40%(%) |
优级品 |
沙索 |
国标 |
160公斤/桶 |
SCS40 非常适合与清洗剂中的其它成分如表面活性剂、助洗剂等配伍使用。贮存温度应大于 25oC。当温度低于 25oC 时会形成白色片状结晶,再次加热到 50-60oC 时,结晶会重新溶解到溶 液中。所以从容器中取该产品前,必须保证产品是均匀的。冻融过程不会影响产品的物理化学性 能和使用性能。
Na cumene sulphonate 40 is highly compatible with surfactants, builders and auxiliaries common in detergents and cleaner. The storage temperature should be at least 25oC. At lower temperatures, the product crystallizes to give white flakes, which can be re-dissolved by warming to 50-60oC. Before removal of product from the container, the contents must be homogenized. Freezing and thawing do not affect the physical, chemical and application properties.
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产品应用 ∕ Application 异丙苯磺酸钠和异丙苯磺酸钠钾的水溶助长作用是相当的。异丙苯磺酸钠可以提升液体洗涤剂的 均匀性,增加表面活性剂产品在水中的溶解性,并增加清洗配方的耐电解质性能。溶解度增加的 同时会伴随配方澄清点的下降。异丙苯磺酸钠会降低清洗配方的粘度,这个特点可以用来制备高 表面活性剂含量的浓缩产品。异丙苯磺酸钠也被用来提升非离子表面活性剂溶液(含或不含电解 质)的浊点上限。相关实验也证实了在清洗配方中增加异丙苯磺酸钠的含量有助于提升配方的清 洗能力。
The areas of use and the hydrotropic action of sodium cumene sulfonate and potassium/sodium cumenesulfonate are comparable. The hydrotropic action of cumenesulfonates can be used to improve the homogeneity of liquid detergents. Cumenesulfonates increase the solubility of surfactant products in water and improve the ability of detergent and cleaner formulations to accept electrolytes. The solubility- improving action is accompanied by a decrease of the clear melting point of the formulation. Cumenesulfonates reduce the viscosity of detergent and cleaner formulations. This effect can be used to prepare concentrates with a high surfactant content. Cumenesulfonates can successfully be used to increase the upper cloud points of non-ionic surfactant solutions (with or without electrolyte). It has been observed in numerous formulations that increasing the amount of cumenesulfonate can also increase the detergency and cleaning action.