AXIS W800 System Controller
AXIS W800 System Controller 是可穿戴解决方案的中央集成和管理点。系统控制器的模块化设计可确保
系统灵活性和高扩展性。单个 AXIS W800 最多可支持五个扩展底座和 40 台摄像机,但可以通过增加系
> 高速回传,状态可监控
> 灵活且可扩展
> 单系统集成点
> 集中式系统管理
AXIS W800 System Controller is a standalone unit, which makes it exceptionally easy and cost-effective to add more docking stations and cameras whenever you want.
A single interface. Fast offloading
AXIS W800 System Controller provides a single integration and management point for your body worn solution. By linking multiple controllers, you can easily manage any number of cameras via one interface. AXIS W800 System Controller supports fast, reliable video offloading (100Mbit per camera). So your cameras are ready to use again right away.