体积式喂料机/Volumetric feeder
Theolumetric feeder is equipped with horizontal agitation to improve the flowability of the material pushing part and to make the feestock moreaccurate. Yes,poor liquidity.The material that is easy to bridge will be verticallystirred. The parts contacting with the material are made of stainless steel.thescrew is easy to install and disassemble.It can be widely used in various materials.
双螺杆喂料机/Twin Screw feeder
The volumetric twin screw feeder is suitable for all kinds of materials,including powder,fibrous and sheet materials with poor fiowability.
单螺杆喂料机/Single screw feeder
The volumetric single screw feeding machine is suitable for various granular materials,including powder materials with good flowability and uneven materials.
高速侧喂料机/High-speed slide Feeder