大型雪地摩托车 滑雪场汽油款雪地摩托车 嬉雪设备
1、总体尺寸:1950mm*830mm*1000mm 2、载重:150kg 3、Z高爬坡:≥17° 4、Z高车速:不大于30km/h 5、油箱容积:4.3L 6、净重:90kg 7、电/脚起动 8、发动机型式:单杠、风冷、四冲程、自动离合、排量110CC Z大功率:5.2kw/7500r/min±375r/min1 Z大扭矩:7.0Nm/5000r/min±250r/min Z低燃油消耗率:≤367g/kw. Z低空载稳定转速(怠速):1500r/min±100r/mi
加拿大的庞巴迪公司,在1922年开发橡胶制的无限轨道当作驱动装置。1936年出现正式的产品。第二年的1937被命为为雪上摩托车的B7型号开始展开销售。也因为这样,庞巴迪公司总部所在的加拿大魁北克省,开始有了“雪上摩托车的发源地”的称呼。 日本在1970年之后,等到真正的雪上摩托车的竞速大会被举行后,的雪上摩托赛也开始普及了 [1] 。
If you have a chance to enjoy the snow in the north, or go to the soft beach, you can do such a simple experiment and feel it for yourself. First of all, you need to find a plank and put it on the soft snow. When you stand up carefully, the snow will be pressed out of a pit. After measuring the depth of the pit, take the plank away, stand directly on the snow nearby, and measure the depth of footprints. At this time, you will find that you are standing on the snow and stepping on the plank, but the depth of snow sinking is far less than that of footprints standing directly on the snow. Because your contact area with snow has changed, it affects the depth of snow sinking, which is the wonderful influence of pressure. With the same weight, the larger the area contacting the ground and the smaller the pressure, the less likely it is to fall into the soft road surface. By the same token, snowmobiles have a combination of tracks and sleds, which greatly increases the area of vehicles contacting the ground, thus reducing the pressure of snowmobiles on the ground, so that heavy vehicles will not get stuck in soft snow and cannot move forward. In addition, the tracks of snowmobiles are different from ordinary tracks, but made of rubber, which can effectively reduce their own weight, and snowmobiles can move forward more flexibly in the snow and ice. At the same time, there are many steel nails distributed on the track surface, which can be inserted into the smooth ground during driving, so that the snowmobile does not have to worry about slipping out of control, and can perform tasks more calmly. Using this novel motorcycle, the soldiers stationed in the north of China no longer have to worry about snow and ice blocking roads, and can better guard the frontier and defend the peace of the motherland.