可调压力开关 此系列压力开关通常用于控制油和脂润滑装置以及液压、气动和水回路的压力。膜片压力开关的设计采用了六角形器体、丁腈橡胶(NBR)耐油膜片和银触点;器体包括卡子连接端子、平衡弹簧,以及用于被测压力的调节弹簧。压力开关需要调节压力时,在取下CAP3紧固螺钉(指示为B)后,用一个小的螺丝刀旋转V调节螺钉;注意不要影响弹簧动作。 技术参数: • 膜片式压力调节范围0,3-50bar,工作压力150bar,安全压力300bar 高压膜片压力调节范围1-150bar,工作压力300bar,安全压力600bar • 活塞式压力调节范围50-300bar,工作压力450bar,安全压力800bar • 本体材料:镀锌钢(活塞式),碳钢镀锌或黄铜(膜片式) • 电触点:银镍,可镀金 • 电流状态:常开(紫色)/常闭(蓝色) • 电压:250V/48V,电流:0.5A • 工作寿命:1百万次 • 隔膜和垫圈材料为NBR,FKM,EPDM,HNBR,Neoprene,硅胶 • 防护等级:IP54-IP65(特殊系列为IP67) 根据要求,公司可制造特殊压力开关(如:已校准、不锈钢体、脱脂以适合氧气作业等);如有任何要求请随时与我司技术与销售部门人员联系,他们将根据您的情况建议最适合的产品。 常用型号:4110122 4111122 4110222 4110622 4110252 4111120 4111120T0.2 4111120T0.3 4111120T0.6 4111620 4111520 4111520T0.6 4110623 4110223 41V10H24 4110224 4010H16 4010H17 3111112 3110252 3111122 4121120 4121120T0.2 4121120T0.3 4121121 4121121T4.5 4120623 4120224 41V20H24 4020H16 4020H17 35711169 35721169 35721269 35721260 35711160 4920H22 4920H20 4920H23 4820H16 4820H17 2420111 2420121 2420122 2420222 PMN1A14K PMN1C14K PMN2A18K PMM10A18K PMM10C14K PMN10A18KAP PMN20A14K PMN20C14K PMM50A10KT20 PMM50A18K PMM50A14K PMM80AM12 PMM150AM12 PMM250AM12 MS2SCR14 MS10SCR14 MS50SCR14 MS100SCR14 VCN2A PMC10 PMC5 PMC25 PMC80
• 螺纹选择:1/8”GAS-1/4”GAS-M10×1-1/8NPT螺纹,内螺纹;其他类型螺纹接头按客户要求
• 温度范围:-40℃到+140℃(依照隔膜/垫圈的材质而定)
1978年成立于Sale Marasino市,EUROSWITCH是液位传感器、压力传感器、温度传感器和旋转传感器行业的
设计及制造龙头企业,采用欧洲UNI EN ISO 9001:2000质量管理体系认证和UNI EU 14001:2004环境保护管
Founded in Sale Marasino in 1978, Euroswitch leads the way in the design and manufacture of Level, Pressure, Temperature
and Rotation Sensors, with a Quality Management System certified under UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 and an Environmental
Management System certified under UNI EN ISO 14001:2004.
Located against the magnificent backdrop of Lake Iseo, the company gradually earned a name for itself in the global
marketplace while maintaining close links with its hometown and focusing on environmental protection.
Our mission is to develop custom solutions using state-of-the-art technology, backed up by an efficient and flexible
organisation plus a highly skilled workforce.
Euroswitch makes complete product ranges to suit each Customer’s needs, featuring quality, precision and reliability.Quality, especially, is a keyword at Euroswitch that in practice means total customer satisfaction. It is companypolicy to work closely with Customers, who are guaranteed a wide range of standard sensors from the catalogueas well as full assistance in developing bespoke products. Euroswitch’s entire workforce is devoted to improvingprocesses and products so as to continue to offer an excellent standard of service. Products undergo rigorous testsand inspections at each stage of the production process, using internal procedures developed over years of consolidatedexperience.