Switching Power Controller IC
H970 is a high performance current mode PWM controller. It’s specifically designed for AC/DC adapter, providing as high as 12W continuous power output in a wide input voltage range from 85V AC to 265V AC. The peak output power can reach as high as 18W. The controller can be typically used in fly-back circuit topology, formed a simplicity AC/DC adapter. The distinctively start-up circuit, by using bootstrap circuit and the amplified of power transistors, significantly decreases the power dissipation of the start-up resistor. The oscillator frequency will automatically be lower while the output power is smaller. And this will extremely decrease the IC’s standby power dissipation. At the off-state of power transistor, the reverse bias of Emit of power transistor let the power source drop to the CB junction of power transistor (up to 700V DC). This directly enhances the safety area of power transistor. Besides, it also includes over load protection, anti-saturation and over temperature protection. These integrated circuits feature can avoid abnormal situation such as overloading, transformers saturation and the short of output that improves the reliability of power device. Current limit and the oscillator frequency can be set by external component.
Built-in 700V High Voltage Power Transistor and Few Peripheral Components
Latching PWM for Cycle-By-Cycle Current Limiting
The Stand-by Power Dissipation Be Less Than 0.3W
Built-in Slope and Feedback Compensation Function
Independent Up-limit Current circuit Deals with the Over-load and Over Output Current
During the Off-state of the Power TR, Reversed Bias Voltage of the Emit Improves its Safety.
Built-in Temperature Compensation to the Current Sensor Resistor, Improving the Precision of the Current Limit.
Built-in Over Temperature Protection Circuit.
The Inpidual Start-up Resistance be Reduced More Than-10 Times.
Few Peripheral Components
Low Startup and Operating Current
Over Voltage Protection of VCC
Not less Than 12W Continuous Output Power with Wide Range Input, the Peak Output Power be UP to 18W
Supply Vol.:4.8~9.0V
Breakdown Vol. of switch TR : Min.700V
Saturation Vol. of switch TR: Max. 1V
Output Limited Cur. : 540~620mA
Referrence Vol. : 2.4~2.6mA
Oscillator Frequency Typ. : 61KHz
Duty Cycelbr : Max. 53~61%
Duty Cycelbr : Min. 3.5%
RoHS : PF(无铅)/HF(无卤)
Package : DIP-8P