细胞培养依赖于优的生长条件才能茁壮成长。的温度和二氧化碳控制,使BENCHMARK的 SureThermTM培养箱为您的培养提供的细胞生长环境。所有SureThermTM培养箱具有专有的热量分配系统,配备的六面加热和低速内部循环风扇,使气体均匀地在整个室中循环,没有来自外部环境空气交换。这确保细胞生长在一个受控的,受保护的环境和低的温度波动(在0.1℃)。 这是个也是一个配备了我们IncuViewTM LCI (活细胞成像)“实时”查看细胞计数的培养箱。内置显微镜和外部显示屏连接,使细胞很容易被观察到而无需从培养箱中取出,这样就避免了细胞生长环境的变化和被污染的风险。细胞实时生长图像很容易在显示器上查看,也可以远程使用具有wifi功能的手机、平板电脑或电脑进行查看*。
* 细胞观察需要可选的IncuView集成显微镜架 (货号H3565-45-LCI或H3565-180-LCI)。
SureTherm CO2 培养箱特点:
温度曲线:在4个小时的细胞培养过程中门被打开30 秒的温度变化曲线(180L)
CO2浓度曲线:在30分钟的细 胞培养过程中门被打开30秒 的CO2浓度变化曲线(180L)
订货信息: (Optional IncuView LCI Integrated Shelf required for live cell imaging)
H3565-45* | Benchmark SureTherm CO2 Incubator, 45 Liter, with two shelves |
H3565-180* | Benchmark SureTherm CO2 Incubator, 180 Liter, with three shelves |
H3565-180HD* | Benchmark SureTherm CO2 Incubator, 180 Liter, with High Heat Decontamination |
H3565-180HDO2* | Benchmark SureTherm CO2 Incubator, 180 Liter, with High Heat Decontamination, split window door and O2 control |
选配件: | |
H3565-45-LCI | IncuView LCI Integrated Shelf (14 x11.5 in.) with integrated wifi microscope (for 45 Liter incubator) |
H3565-180-LCI | IncuView LCI Integrated Shelf (20 x17 in.) with integrated wifi microscope (for 180 Liter incubator) |
H3550-45-SH | Additional shelf (stainless steel) for 45 Liter incubators, 1 each |
H3550-180-SH | Additional shelf (stainless steel) for 180 Liter incubators (20 x 17 in.), 1 each |
H3550-45-SK | Stacking kit for 45 Liter incubator |
H3550-180-SK | Stacking kit for 180 Liter incubator (height of top display approximately 135 cm) |
H2300-REG | Regulator (optional), required for connecting to a CO2 source |
H3565-O2REG | Regulator (optional), required for connecting to an O2 source |
BT4001* | Orbi-Shaker™ CO2 , remote controlled orbital shaker with flat mat platform (13 x 12 in.) For 45 Liter and 180 Liter models. Additional platforms, clamps & accessories available, visit benchmarkscientific.com |
BT4011* | Orbi-Shaker™ CO2 XL, remote controlled orbital shaker with flat mat platform (16 x 16.5 in.) For 180 Liter models ONLY. Additional platforms, clamps & accessories available, visit benchmarkscientific.com |
*115V with USA Plug. For 230V with EU plug, add (-E)