GB 18581-2009 室内装饰装修材料 溶剂型木器涂料中有害物质限量
GB 18582-2008 室内装饰装修材料 内墙涂料中有害物质限量
GB/T 23991-2009 涂料中可溶性有害元素含量的测定
GB/T 23994-2009 与人体接触的消费产品用涂料中特定有害元素限量
GB 24408-2009 建筑用外墙涂料中有害物质限量
GB 24409-2009 汽车涂料中有害物质限量
GB 24410-2009 室内装饰装修材料 水性木器涂料中有害物质限量
GB 24613-2009 玩具用涂料中有害物质限量
GB/T 30647-2014 涂料中有害元素总含量的测定
GB 30981-2014 建筑钢结构防腐涂料中有害物质限量
HG/T 4963.1-2016 涂料印花色浆产品中有害物质的测定 第1部分:23种有害芳香胺的测定 气相色谱-质谱法
HG/T 4963.1~4963.3-2016 涂料印花色浆产品中有害物质的测定 [合订本]
HG/T 4963.2-2016 涂料印花色浆产品中有害物质的测定 第2部分:4-氨基偶氮苯的测定 气相色谱-质谱法
HG/T 4963.3-2016 涂料印花色浆产品中有害物质的测定 第3部分:甲醛的测定
JC 1066-2008 建筑防水涂料中有害物质限量
JG/T 415-2013 建筑防火涂料有害物质限量及检测方法
SZJG 48-2014 建筑装饰装修涂料与胶粘剂有害物质限量
鉴联检测有良好的内部机制,优良的工作环境以及良好的激励机制,由一批高素质、高水平、高效率的人才组成,拥有完善的技术研发力量、专 业的实验设备和成熟的售后服务团队。在检验检测领域有着丰富经验,拥有许多种检测手段,覆盖金属材料、有机分析,无机分析,仪器分析等检测手段。熟悉现行的GB/ISO/JIS/STMA/EN/DIN/BS/GOST等国内外先进的技术标准,掌握着新的检测方法。并与多家检测认证机构保持长期紧密合作关系,由鉴联检测出具的检测报告得到众多国际机构认可,我们有能力为客户提供一站式解决检测问题的解决方案。
HAMDEN, CT—Showing an alarming level of doubt from within the president’s own party, a poll released Wednesday by Quinnipiac University found a majority of Democratic voters would prefer someone else inhabit Joe Biden’s body in the next presidential election. “Most Democrats surveyed would rather see a younger, more in-touch candidate occupying President Biden’s corporeal form in 2024,” said pollster Vanessa Hilkinger, confirming that nearly 64% of party members would be partial to a new standard-bearer who was willing to fight harder for progressive policies from within the incumbent’s re-electable physical exterior. “A significant number also said they might not vote at all in the general election unless they were presented with a more charismatic and energetic candidate able to seize control of Biden’s thoughts and actions to enact economic, environmental, and healthcare reforms. In addition, approximately half of Democratic voters expressed interest in seeing a younger woman or a person of color piloting Biden’s limbs and using his voice to speak their own words during the 2024 campaign.” According to the poll, most Democrats, when pressed, acknowledged that if the party failed to “put someone younger in there,” they would support the hollow, empty husk of Joe Biden running for president.