代理山东道恩TPE 6501-AB 原厂原包,现货30吨可以供应。。
山东道恩TPE 中国总代理
免费送样 大量优惠 可订柜货,支持月结原厂进口,
手机: 15807693310毛总
QQ: 1574559134
产品类别 牌号 测试标准、测试项目 Test Criteria, Test Items 特性及用途
Product Category Grade 邵氏硬度 密度Density 拉伸强度Tensile Strength 断裂伸长率Elongation at break 100定伸强度100Stretching
Strength 撕裂强度Tear Strength 压缩永久变形Compression Set(70℃,22h) Property and Application
Shore A g/cm³ Mpa Mpa KN/m
ISO 868 ISO 1183 ISO 37 ISO 37 ISO 37 ISO 34-1 ISO 815
13系列挤出 13-55A 58 0.936 5.36 480 2.13 23.4 26 耐晒高回弹,用于密封条
13 series for extrusion Lightfast, high resilience for sealing strip
13-67A 70 0.96 6.56 430 2.63 24.6 30 耐晒高回弹,用于密封条
Lightfast, high resilience for sealing strip
13-73AW 76 0.956 7.82 440 3.29 32.6 33 耐晒高回弹,用于密封条
Lightfast, high resilience for sealing strip
13-75A 77 0.958 8.35 570 3.67 36.1 37 耐晒高回弹,用于密封条
Lightfast, high resilience for sealing strip
13-85A 85 0.951 9.3 500 4.68 45.6 50 耐光耐老化;用于密封条
Light and aging resistance for sealing strip
13-90A 91 0.948 11.4 460 6.82 50.9 58 耐光耐老化;用于密封条
Light and aging resistance for sealing strip
13-40D 43D 0.944 20.3 690 10.6 75.6 / 耐光耐老化;用于密封条
Light and aging resistance for sealing strip
13-50D 50D 0.945 26 820 12.9 82.5 / 耐光耐老化;用于密封条
Light and aging resistance for sealing strip
611系列挤出 611-64A 66 0.955 6.7 600 2.15 27 41 经济,细腻,用于密封条
611 series for extrusion Economy and smooth for sealing strip
611-73A 73 0.96 7.5 580 3 33 42 经济,细腻,用于密封条
Economy and smooth for sealing strip
611-78A 76 0.965 7.8 610 3.2 40 42 经济,细腻,用于密封条
Economy and smooth for sealing strip
611-90A 90 0.95 11 650 6.2 60 60 经济,细腻,用于密封条
Economy and smooth for sealing strip
接角系列 E18-65ALF 66 0.91 5.8 740 2 28 40 自润滑、接合强、注塑接角
Corner series Self lubrication, joint strength, injection joint angle
E18-75ALF 75 0.9 6.4 650 2.7 37 42 自润滑、接合强、注塑接角
Self lubrication, joint strength, injection joint angle
E18-80ALF 80 0.9 7 700 3.1 45 53 自润滑、接合强、注塑接角
Self lubrication, joint strength, injection joint angle
微发泡系列Micro-foamed series F13-75A65 68 0.68 4.5 360 2.85 27 44 轻量化,汽车密封条Lightweight,
automobile seal strip
F13-90A65 75 0.7 6.2 420 4.1 45 59 轻量化,汽车密封条Lightweight, automobile seal strip
8系列挤出 8extrusion series 813-73A 78A 0.96 8 500 3.5 28.5 38 耐紫外,用于雨刮条UV resistant, for wiper
811-67AS 70 0.946 6.2 540 2.68 35 36 改善异响,用于水切Improve abnormal sound, used for water
涂层系列Coating series 6603 53D 0.932 18.4 60 10.8 52 / 低摩擦系数,麻面滑材Low friction coefficient, smooth
6601 51D 0.945 17.1 700 11.9 120 / 低摩擦系数,亮面滑材Low friction coefficient, smooth material
经济型Economical 801B1 82 0.97 7.7 500 3.84 28 40 经济型、用于玻璃导槽Economical, for glass guide groove
产品类别Product Category 牌号Grade 测试标准、测试项目 Test Criteria, Test Items 特
邵氏硬度Shore A 密度Density 拉伸强度Tensile strength Mpa 断裂伸长率Elongation at Break 100定伸强度100Stretching
Strength 撕裂强度 压缩永久变形Compression Set(70℃,22h) Property and Application
g/cm³ Mpa Tear strength KN/m
ISO 868 ISO 1183 ISO 37 ISO 37 ISO 37 ISO 34-1 ISO 815
高流动材料 High flow material 10-60A 61 0.965 4.5 400 1.7 18 35 高流动,耐紫外,角窗
High flow, UV resistance, corner window
14-60A 58 0.96 4 400 1.5 15 32 高流动,耐紫外,角窗
High flow, UV resistance, corner window
14-65A 68 0.955 5 450 2.1 20 38 高流动,耐紫外,角窗
High flow, UV resistance, corner window
14-75A 78 0.98 5.8 400 2.8 19 48 高流动,耐紫外,角窗
High flow, UV resistance, corner window
10-70A 72 0.975 5.5 450 2.2 20 40 高流动,耐紫外,角窗
High flow, UV resistance, corner window
614-60A 60 0.95 5.5 400 1.5 20 36 高流动,耐紫外,角窗
High flow, UV resistance, corner window
产品类别Product Category 牌号Grade 测试标准、测试项目 Test Criteria, Test Items 特
邵氏硬度Shore A 密度Density 拉伸强度Tensile strength Mpa 断裂伸长率Elongation at Break 100定伸强度100Stretching
Strength 撕裂强度Tear strength KN/m 压缩永久变形Compression Set(70℃,22h) Property and Application
g/cm³ Mpa
ISO 868 ISO 1183 ISO 37 ISO 37 ISO 37 ISO 34-1 ISO 815
经济型Economical 851B3 87 0.98 9.4 640 4.2 36 52 经济型,耐晒,行李架垫片Economical, lightfast, luggage rack
951B3 92 0.97 11 550 5.5 42 65 经济型,耐晒,行李架垫片Economical, lightfast, luggage rack gasket
801B3 83 0.96 7.5 500 4.3 35 50 经济型,耐晒,行李架垫片Economical, lightfast, luggage rack gasket
451B3 45 0.95 4.3 600 1 16 35 经济型,耐晒,行李架垫片Economical, lightfast, luggage rack gasket
产品类别Product Catagory 牌号Grade 测试标准、测试项目 Test Criteria, Test Items 特
邵氏硬度Shore A 密度Density 拉伸强度Tensile strength Mpa 断裂伸长率Elongation at Break 维卡软化温度 交联度
Cross-Linking Rate 压缩永久变形Compression Set(70℃,22h) Property and Application
g/cm³ vicat softening point℃
ISO 868 ISO 1183 ISO 37 ISO 37 ISO 306 ISO 10147 ISO 815
PEX管材料 PEX-CDN6D 60D 0.94 18 400 120 68 / 无味、耐热,地暖管、冷冻机管Odorless, heat -
resistant, floor heating tube, freezer tube
PEX pipe material PEX-CDN9 95A 0.91 18 500 90 70 / 无味、耐热,热水管
Odorless, heat - resistant, Hot water pipe
PEX-CDN8 87A 0.89 12 500 75 70 / 无味、耐热,热水管
Odorless, heat - resistant, Hot water pipe
产品类别Product Category 牌号Grade 测试标准、测试项目 Test Criteria, Test Items 特
邵氏硬度Shore A 密度Density 拉伸强度Tensile strength Mpa 断裂伸长率Elongation at Break 100定伸强度100Stretching
Strength 撕裂强度Tear strength KN/m 压缩永久变形Compression Set(70℃,22h) Property and Application
g/cm³ Mpa
ISO 868 ISO 1183 ISO 37 ISO 37 ISO 37 ISO 34-1 ISO 815
蒙皮Skin DK7501 77A 0.913 10 550 3.1 55 / 高流动,低气味,汽车表皮High flow, low odor, car skin
D-85A 85 0.88 10 600 4.5 52 / 高熔体强,汽车表皮High melt strength, car skin
D-60A 60 0.89 7.8 480 2 30 / 高熔体强,汽车表皮High melt strength, car skin
产品类别Product Category 牌号Grade 测试标准、测试项目 Test Criteria, Test Items 特
邵氏硬度Shore A 密度Density 拉伸强度Tensile strength Mpa 断裂伸长率Elongation at Break 100定伸强度100Stretching
Strength 撕裂强度Tear strength KN/m 压缩永久变形Compression Set(70℃,22h) Property and Application
g/cm³ Mpa
ISO 868 ISO 1183 ISO 37 ISO 37 ISO 37 ISO 34-1 ISO 815
吹塑材料 Blow molding material 11-80AV 83A 0.97 8.8 450 4 45 / 耐疲劳,耐温,耐油,吹塑品
Fatigue resistance, temperature resistance, oil resistance, blow
molding products
11-85AV 87A 0.96 12.7 500 5.89 53 / 耐疲劳,耐温,耐油,吹塑品Fatigue resistance, temperature resistance,
oil resistance, blow molding products
11-87AV 93A 0.96 13.5 580 6.2 47 / 耐疲劳,耐温,耐油,吹塑品Fatigue resistance, temperature resistance,
oil resistance, blow molding products
11-90A 95A 0.96 20 610 9.69 109 / 耐疲劳,耐温,耐油,吹塑品Fatigue resistance, temperature resistance,
oil resistance, blow molding products
11-40D 43D 0.96 18 650 10 71 / 耐疲劳,耐温,耐油,吹塑品Fatigue resistance, temperature resistance,
oil resistance, blow molding products
11-50DV 48D 0.94 23 650 11.5 81.7 / 耐疲劳,耐温,耐油,吹塑品Fatigue resistance, temperature resistance,
oil resistance, blow molding products
811-45DV 46D 0.947 22 700 10.5 80 / 耐疲劳,耐温,耐油,吹塑品Fatigue resistance, temperature
resistance, oil resistance, blow molding products
TPV-运动地板料 TPV Playground Surface Material
产品类别Product Category 牌号Grade 测试标准、测试项目 Test criteria, test items 特
邵氏硬度Shore A 密度Density 拉伸强度Tensile strength Mpa 断裂伸长率Elongation at Break 100定伸强度100Stretching
Strength 撕裂强度Tear strength KN/m 压缩永久变形Compression Set(70℃,22h) Property and Application
g/cm³ Mpa
ISO 868 ISO 1183 ISO 37 ISO 37 ISO 37 ISO 34-1 ISO 815
地板料 TK-65A 64 1.42 3.9 540 2 19.5 54 耐晒,低密度,环保,运动地板Lightfast, low density, environmental
friendly, sport floor
Playground surface TKV-85A 85 0.95 12.8 750 3.9 48 49 耐晒,高弹,环保,悬浮拼装地板,Sun-proof High
elasticity, Environmental friendly, Suspended assembled floor
草坪填充材料Turf filling material TKE-65A 67 1.48 3.8 800 1.5 19 / 耐晒,环保,草坪填充颗粒Sun-
proof, Environmental friendly ,turf filling granule
TKE-70A 68 1.55 2.7 720 1.2 16 / 耐晒,性价比高,草坪填充颗粒,
Sun-proof cost-economy, Turf filling granule
产品类别Product Category 牌号Grade 测试标准、测试项目 Test Criteria, Test Items 特
邵氏硬度shore A 密度Density 拉伸强度Tensile strength Mpa 断裂伸长率Elongation at Break 100定伸强度100Stretching
Strength 撕裂强度Tear strength KN/m 压缩永久变形Compression Set(70℃,22h) Property and Application
g/cm³ Mpa
ISO 868 ISO 1183 ISO 37 ISO 37 ISO 37 ISO 34-1 ISO 815
气囊框 Airbag Box 10-45DHI 45D 0.89 13 600 9.8 100 / 耐低温爆破,主/副气囊Low temperature
blasting, main/secondary airbags
20-45D 45D 0.89 14.5 800 9.5 120 / 本色耐低温爆破,副气囊Natural color resistant to low temperature
blasting, secondary airbag
产品类别Product Category 牌号Grade 测试标准、测试项目 Test Criteria, Test Items 特
邵氏硬度Shore A 密度Density 拉伸强度Tensile strength Mpa 断裂伸长率Elongation at Break 100定伸强度100Stretching
Strength 撕裂强度Tear strength KN/m 压缩永久变形Compression Set(70℃,22h) Property and Application
g/cm³ Mpa
ISO 868 ISO 1183 ISO 37 ISO 37 ISO 37 ISO 34-1 ISO 815
21系列 21-73A 73 0.921 6.34 530 3.12 30.1 35 本色,耐温,耐压,卫浴产品Natural color, temperature resistance,
pressure resistance, Bathroom products
21 series 21-80A 85 0.924 11.9 540 5.38 44.9 45 本色,耐温,耐压,卫浴产品Natural color, temperature,
pressure, sanitary products
21-87A 92 0.92 17.8 660 7.1 56.5 56 本色,耐温,耐压,卫浴产品Natural color, temperature resistance,
pressure resistance, Bathroom products
821系列 821-80A 84 0.916 11.4 526 4.19 37.4 54 本色,耐温,耐压,卫浴产品Natural color, temperature resistance,
pressure resistance, Bathroom products
821 series
11系列 11-80AP 80A 0.96 8.7 480 3.7 36 48 黑色,耐温,耐压,水管产品Black color, temperature resistance,
pressure resistance, water pipe products
11 series 11-90AP 91A 0.95 13.1 550 5.55 55 60 黑色,耐温,耐压,水管产品Black color, temperature,
resistance pressure resistance, water pipe products
产品类别Product Catagory 牌号Grade 测试标准、测试项目 Test Criteria, Test Items 特
邵氏硬度Shore A 密度Density 拉伸强度Tensile strength Mpa 断裂伸长率Elongation at Break 100定伸强度100Stretching
Strength 撕裂强度Tear strength KN/m 压缩永久变形Compression Set(70℃,22h) Property and Application
g/cm³ Mpa
ISO 868 ISO 1183 ISO 37 ISO 37 ISO 37 ISO 34-1 ISO 815
内饰低气味系列Low odor interior series 10-55A 58 0.94 5 450 1.6 20 31 柔软,低气味,内饰小注塑件
Soft, low smell, interior small injection parts
30-62A 68 0.94 5.5 450 2.2 22 35 柔软,低气味,内饰小注塑件
Soft, low smell, interior vases
10-64A 65 0.94 5.1 450 1.8 21 33 柔软,低气味,内饰小注塑件
Soft, low smell, interior small injection parts
10-73A 76 0.95 6.8 500 3 29 42 柔软,低气味,内饰小注塑件
Soft, low smell, interior small injection parts
14-80A 78 0.94 8.5 550 3.2 30 45 柔软,低气味,内饰中等注塑件Soft, low smell, interior medium
injection molding
14-85A 89 0.94 9 500 5 35 55 柔软,低气味,内外饰大注塑件Soft, low smell, interior and exterior
decoration of large plastic parts
34-80A 79 0.96 7.8 550 3.2 33 48 柔软,低气味,内饰大注塑件Soft, low smell, interior large plastic
34-85A 88 0.94 12.5 600 4.5 45 55 柔软,低气味,内饰大注塑件Soft, low smell, interior and exterior
large plastic parts
产品类别Product Category 牌号Grade 测试标准、测试项目 Test Criteria, Test Items 特性及用途
Property and Application
密度Density 邵氏硬度shore A 100定伸强度100Stretching Strength 拉伸强度 Tensile Strength Mpa 断裂伸长率
Elongation at Break 撕裂强度 Tear Strength KN/m
g/cm³ Mpa
ISO 1183 ISO 868 ISO 37 ISO 37 ISO 37 ISO 34
聚酯注塑型Polyester injection molding DN-3098-T1 1.23 94 22 35 500 150 劳保鞋底,鞋饰片,包胶,共混改性,各
种鞋 大底,
DN-3095 1.22 94 17 32 520 130 手机护套,脚轮,运动护具,机械零配件,密封圈等
DN-3080 1.21 79 6 25 650 70 Labor insurance soles, shoe trims, rubberized, blended
DN-3375U 1.2 76 5 23 700 65 and modified, all kinds of shoes, outsoles, mobile phone sheaths,
casters, sports protective gear, mechanical parts, seals, etc
DN-2395U 1.23 94 20 30 650 130
DN-2390U 1.21 91 15 28 500 95
C-1095L 1.25 95 16 30 550 110
C-1090L 1.24 91 15 28 450 100
C-1090G 1.24 92 13 24 650 95
C-2090 1.21 91 18 45 450 130
聚酯挤出型Polyester extruder DN-2185 1.2 83A 8 30 550 85 气垫,薄膜,管材,电线电缆,传送带,同步 带,松紧带,
DN-2595-T1 1.22 95A 25 36 480 150 Air cushion, film, pipe, wire and cable, conveyor belt, belt,
elastic belt, shoulder belt, various profiles, etc
聚醚挤出型Polyether extrusion DN-5385 1.11 84A 8 40 550 90 消防水带、页岩气管道、气动管、修复管、薄 膜、共混改性
等Fire hose, shale gas pipe, pneumatic pipe, repair pipe, thin film, blend modification, etc
DN-5388 1.12 88A 13 42 500 95
DN-5370 1.06 71A 5 18 750 70
产品类别ProductCategory 牌号Grade 测试标准、测试项目 Test Criteria, Test Items 特
邵氏硬度Shore A 密度Density 拉伸强度Tensile Strength Mpa 断裂伸长率 Elongation at Break 100定伸强度100Stretching
Strength 300定伸强度 300Stretching Strength 撕裂强度 Tear Stength KN/m Property and Application
g/cm³ Mpa Mpa
ASTM D2240 ASTM 792 ASTM 412 ASTM 412 ASTM 412 ASTM 412 ASTM 624
P1系列挤出级 3012-PB 28 0.94 4.9 650 0.5 1.3 19.4 密封条 Sealing Strip
P1 series extrusion stage 3611-PB 35 0.88 5.6 860 0.6 1.8 28 密封条 Sealing Strip
3612-PB 33 0.94 5.6 860 0.5 1.6 27 密封条 Sealing Strip
4511-PB 45 1.04 5.3 569 1.1 2.7 25 密封条 Sealing Strip
4612-PB 48 0.98 6.8 775 1.1 1.9 29.2 密封条 Sealing Strip
5512-PB 55 0.95 6.5 646.9 1.2 2.3 23.6 密封条 Sealing Strip
5511-PB 51 1.05 8.8 707 1.3 2.3 36.3 密封条 Sealing Strip
6512-PB 65 0.97 12.1 761 1.8 3 43 密封条 Sealing Strip
6511-PB 65 1.05 9.6 602.5 2.2 4.8 43 密封条 Sealing Strip
6511-PC 68 1.12 9.9 790 1.9 3 36.9 密封条 Sealing Strip
6912-PB 70 0.99 14.2 730 2.1 3.7 48 密封条 Sealing Strip
7011-PB 70 0.99 15.5 776.6 2.9 4.2 40.2 密封条 Sealing Strip
7011-PC 70 1.1 11.7 740 2.2 3.4 39.7 密封条 Sealing Strip
8511-PB 82 1 17.3 700.2 3.7 5.2 52 密封条 Sealing Strip
8811-PB 88 1 20.4 788.2 4.9 6.3 63.3 密封条 Sealing Strip
8911-PB 91 1 23 708 5.4 7.2 80 密封条 Sealing Strip
9011-PB 95 0.98 24 811.3 7.5 8.4 88.7 密封条 Sealing Strip
9611-PC 95 1.06 22.2 820 7.7 8.6 88.9 密封条 Sealing Strip
5012D-PB 52D 0.96 29.8 826 12.1 11.7 159 密封条 Sealing Strip
6012D-PB 62D 1.02 20.4 108 14.8 14.8 104 密封条 Sealing Strip
P0系列车用注塑级别 4001-PA 40 1.1 6 650 0.8 1.5 22 汽车空调风门包胶
P0 series automotive injection molding grade Car air conditioner damper
4002-PA 40 1.1 6 650 0.8 1.5 22 汽车空调风门包胶
Car air conditioner damper
6301-PB 60 0.98 6.5 650 1.3 2.5 23 三角窗
Triangle window
6501-PB 65 0.98 5.5 750 1.3 2.5 30 汽车内饰垫片
Auto interior gasket
6801-PB 68 0.99 6.8 750 1.6 3.8 30 汽车内饰垫片
Auto interior gasket
7501-PB 75 1 7.5 800 2.5 3.8 37.5 汽车内饰垫片
Auto interior gasket
8001-PB 80 0.96 10 750 3.1 4.4 50 汽车内饰垫片
Auto interior gasket
8801-PB 90 0.96 8.8 500 4.4 5.6 50 汽车内饰垫片
Auto interior gasket
9301-PB 95 0.98 15 625 5 6.3 75 汽车通风盖板
Auto ventilation cover
4003-PB 40 0.9 6.3 800 0.6 1.5 25 汽车防尘罩
Auto dust cover
4702-PB 43 0.89 8 800 0.8 1.8 25 汽车防尘罩
Auto dust cover
5001-PC 50 1.06 5 800 0.6 1.5 20 汽车防尘罩
Auto dust cover
6001-PC 60 1.09 5 750 0.6 1.5 20 汽车防尘罩
Auto dust cover
3501-PB 35 0.98 5.5 800 0.6 1.3 25 汽车缓冲块
Auto buffer block
5001-PB 50 1 3.8 750 1.5 2 25 汽车缓冲块
Auto buffer block
6001-PB 60 0.96 5.5 800 1.8 2.8 37 汽车缓冲块
Auto buffer block
7001-PB 70 1.03 15 800 1.8 3.1 45 汽车缓冲块
Auto buffer block
8301-PB 85 1.1 15 800 3.8 5 45 汽车缓冲块
Auto buffer block
9301-PB 95 1.08 5 300 5 6.3 50 汽车侧踏/挡泥板
Auto side tread/fender
8801-PB 90 1.06 7.5 550 5 6.3 50 汽车侧踏/挡泥板
Auto side tread/fender
P0系列日用注塑级别 4705-PB 46 0.88 5.3 750 1.2 1.9 33 白酒瓶塞
P0 series daily injection grade Wine bottle stoppers
5002-PB 50 0.99 6.9 875 1.2 1.9 29 白酒瓶塞,啤酒密封
Wine bottle stoppers, Beer seal
6004-PA 60 0.88 6.9 750 1.7 2.5 35 牙刷手柄
Toothbrush handle
7002-PB 71 0.97 15 875 2.5 4 57 白酒瓶塞
Wine bottle stopper
8602-PB 87 0.9 20 750 5 6.9 75 饮料铝盖垫片
Aluminum gasket for beverage cover
9004-HTA 90 0.89 21.2 875 4.5 5.6 91 餐盘 Plate
9202-HTA 90 1.01 18.1 825 5 6.3 80 水杯 Cup
3502-PB 34 1.1 2.5 940 0.5 0.8 13 健身器材手柄
Fitness equipment handle
4502-PB 37 0.89 5.6 900 0.8 1.3 19 防毒面罩Gas masks
5004-PB 52 0.88 7.5 750 1 1.9 25 防毒面罩Gas masks
5902-PB 57 1.06 4.5 590 1.8 2.8 24 手柄Handle
6402-PC 65 0.96 4.5 630 1.9 2.9 25 手柄Handle
7001-PE 70 1.02 6.8 750 1.9 2.8 31 自行车手柄,低端注塑Bicycle handle, low end injection molding
7301-PA 70 0.98 10.5 810 1.9 3.3 32 密封件Sealing Parts
8501-PD 85 1.06 8 810 4.8 6 38 运动器械护套
Sports equipment sheath
6302-PB 65 1.03 6.9 625 1.9 3.2 32 脚轮castor
6902-PB 66 1.03 6.3 625 1.9 3.5 44 脚轮castor
7504-PB 72 0.89 13.8 875 3 4 63 脚轮castor
7402-PB 75 1 13.8 780 2.5 3.8 57 脚轮castor
9004-PB 89 0.89 16.3 875 7.6 8.2 103 家具脚轮
Furniture castor
N系列注塑级别 4501-NA 45 0.97 4.3 750 0.9 1.9 19 通风口密封件Vent seals
N series injection molding level 6002-NC 58 1.04 5 750 1.5 2.5 25 工具手柄
Tool handle
6001-NC 58 1.04 5 750 1.5 2.5 25 工具手柄
Tool handle
6002-NA 60 0.96 5 750 1.5 2.8 28 工具手柄
Tool handle
6301-NA 61 0.96 8.5 825 1.9 3.2 40 工具手柄
Tool handle
6502-NA 63 0.98 5.4 560 1.9 3.2 32 工具手柄
Tool handle
7001-NA 72 0.93 5.4 560 2.8 4 30 车用密封圈Sealing ring
8502-NB 83 1.05 6 500 3.8 5 43 工具手柄
The tool handle
A系列注塑级别 4002-AB 40 1.1 2.2 490 1 1.8 13 车用Auto
Series A injection molding grade 5502-AB 50 1.11 2.5 380 1.4 2.3 14 防毒面罩Gas masks
6002-AB 61 1.15 7.8 560 2.3 1.7 33 手柄Handle
6501-AB 65 1.12 8.2 630 2.5 3.8 44 车用垫片Auto gasket
7001-AB 67 1.12 13.2 630 2.9 5.7 50 车用门边密封
Door side seal
8001-AB 78 1.07 10 630 4.4 6.9 63 车灯密封Auto light seal
Z系列/HT系列 6502-ZA 68 1.16 8.5 780 1.8 2.7 38 耳机线护套
Z series /HT series Earphone cord sheath
9502-ZA 95 1.16 18.2 820 7.3 8.5 103 耳机线护套
Earphone cord sheath
4502-HTA 45 1.02 8.2 650 1.2 3 38 车灯密封Auto light seal
3、汽车高压点火线。可耐30-40KV电压,可满足UL94 V0阻燃要求;
4、化妆品、饮料、食品、卫浴用品、 用具等产品的各类包装;
牌 号 | 用途及特性 | 牌 号 | 用途及特性 |
101-73 | 硬度78 | 111-80 | 硬度85 |
111-87 | 硬度93 | 121-67 | 硬度72 |
121-80 | 硬度85 | 181-55 | 硬度59 |
181-64 | 硬度67 | 191-70PA | 硬度70 |
201-73 | 硬度78 | 211-55 | 硬度59 |
241-55 | 硬度59 | 253-36 | 硬度38 |
271-55 | 硬度59 | 281-64 | 硬度69 |
8201-70 | 硬度75 | 8211-35 | 硬度38 |
8211-45 | 硬度49 | 8211-55 | 硬度59 |
8211-65 | 硬度70 | 8211-75 | 硬度80 |
9201-45 | 硬度49 | 9201-65 | 硬度70 |
103-40 | 硬度41 | 103-50 | 硬度51 |
111-55 | 硬度59 | 121-50M100 | 硬度54 |
121-67W175 | 硬度72 | 121-73W175 | 硬度78 |
203-40 | 硬度41 | 241-64 | 硬度69 |
591-65 | 硬度70 | 8201-90 | 硬度96 |
8271-65 | 硬度69 | 9101-75 | 硬度80 |
9201-55 | 硬度59 | 191-55PA | 硬度55 |
191-85PA | 硬度85 | 281-87MED | 硬度94 |
283-40MED | 硬度40 | 201-87 | 硬度94 |
201-55 | 硬度59 | 201-64 | 硬度69 |
203-55 | 硬度59 | 271-64 | 硬度69 |
8211-55B100 | 硬度53 | 8291-55PA | 硬度55 |
9271-55 | 硬度59 | 101-64 | 硬度69 |
101-80 | 硬度85 | 101-87 | 硬度94 |
111-64 | 硬度69 | 111-73 | 硬度78 |
121-55 | 硬度59 | 121-58W175 | 硬度62 |
121-62M100 | 硬度66 | 121-68M300 | 硬度73 |
121-68W228 | 硬度73 | 121-70 | 硬度75 |
123-40 | 硬度41 | 201-68W228 | 硬度73 |
211-64 | 硬度69 | 251-70W232 | 硬度75 |
251-85 | 硬度92 | 251-80W232 | 硬度85 |
281-55MED | 硬度59 | 281-73 | 硬度78 |
X123-50 | 硬度51 | 8211-25 | 硬度23 |
8281-65MED | 硬度70 | 8291-60B500 | 硬度65 |
8291-70PA | 硬度70 | 8451-87 | 硬度95 |