(l)要保持液压系统的清洁,及时清除油箱内的油泥和金属屑。 (2)按换油参考指标进行换油,换油时应将设备各部件清洗干净,以免杂质等混入油中,影响使用效果。 (3)储存和使用时,容器和加油工具必须清洁,防止油品被污染。 (4)该油品主要适用于钢-钢摩擦副的液压油泵。用于其它材质摩擦副的液压油泵时,必须要有油泵制造厂或供油单位推荐本产品所适用的油泵负荷限值。(L) keep the hydraulic system clean and remove sludge and metal debris from the tank in a timely manner. (2) changing oil according to the reference index of oil change, the parts of the equipment should be cleaned to prevent impurities from mixing into the oil and affecting the use effect. (3) containers and refueling tools must be cleaned during storage and use to prevent contamination of oil products. (4) the oil product is mainly suitable for hydraulic oil pump of steel-steel friction pair. For hydraulic oil pumps of friction pairs of other materials, the oil pump manufacturer or oil supply unit must recommend the applicable oil pump load limit.