粘度在68正负百分之十内的液压油统称为68号 40度时候的运动粘度为68正负百分之十 100度时候的粘度你可以参照粘度指数昨出计算 因为不同品牌的油粘度指数差距很大 所以100摄氏度时候的运动粘度不好做定论 举例说 68号液压油粘度指数为 112 40度时粘度为68.13 可以推算出100度时的粘度为9.35The viscosity in 68 plus or minus 10 percent of the hydraulic oil is called 6840 degrees when the kinematic viscosity of 68 plus or minus 10 percent of the viscosity of 100 degrees you can refer to the viscosity index calculated yesterday,