PEPPERS A*RCF系列适用于所有类型的非铠装电缆,另一端内螺纹可以连接硬性和挠性保护管易爆环境可旋转电缆密封活接头
“A*RCF” type glands are certified Flameproof Ex db, Increased Safety Ex eb, Restricted Breathing Ex nR and Dust Protected Ex ta. They are suitable for use in Zone 1 and 2 for Gas Groups IIA, IIB and IIC and additionally for use in Zones 20, 21 and 22 for Dust Groups IIIA, IIIB and IIIC. They provide a controlled pull resistant environmental displacement seal on the cable outer sheath, minimising damage to cables that exhibit “cold flow” characteristics. The gland maintains IP66 & IP68 to 50 metres and is supplied with an IP O-ring seal as standard on metric entry threads. The gland features a freely rotating female threaded conduit connection for ease of installation.
3.温度:Neoprene Seals -35°C to +90°C 氯丁橡胶密封圈
Silicone Seals -60°C to +180°C 硅橡胶
4. IP防护等级:IP66 & IP68 (50 metres – 7 Days), Type 4X
5. 材质:黄铜/黄铜镀镍/不锈钢/铝可选