The Symmetricom 8100 is an enhanced version of our popular commercial LPRO rubidium oscillator. This ruggedized COTS rubidium oscillator is ideal for use in tactical applications where shock, vibration sensitivity, excess relative humidity and other environmental effects are a challenge. Designed for ease of integration into frequency and timing systems, the Symmetricom 8100 offers a low profile and single circuit board construction that uses surface mount technology. The circuit board is conformal-coated for increased moisture resistance, and special precautions are taken for improved shock and vibration tolerance. The height and footprint easily meet the requirements for 1U VME applications. Use of both a filtered D-Connector for I/O signals and an outer mu-metal cover minimizes EMI emissions and susceptibility. For ease of integration, the Symmetricom 8100 only needs one input supply voltage and will allow direct plug-in into another circuit board.The long life rubidium lamp and extended crystal control range of the 8100 helps extend operating periods, minimize maintenance and gives acceptable performance of more than a decade. By design, the Symmetricom 8100 provides a stable frequency with good short and long-term stability, and excellent spurperformance. A 5V CMOS-compatible alarm signal derived from the basic physics operation indicates when output frequency is outside roughly +5.0E-8 of absolute frequency offset. The low temperature coefficient and excellent frequency stability extend holdover performance.Suitable applications include shipboard, airborne, navigation timing, range timing and other tactical applications that need the performance level associated with rubidium technology in a commercial off the shelf (COTS) package.