我司主要生产1~8色柔性版商标印刷机,机型任您选择,用英国柏飞图油墨,使印刷品颜色牢固,不掉色,耐水磨,有环保证书。适合出口欧美国家的印刷品。※ 本系列机械适应工厂:商标印刷厂、服装厂、玩具厂、鞋帽厂、床上用品厂等。
※ 本系列机械适应材料:丝带、棉带、胶带、尼龙带、纸带、不干胶带等卷装带类
※ This series of machines is suitable for factories including: label printing factory, garments factory, toy factory, shoes and cap factory and beddings factory.
※ This series of machine is suitable for materials including: riband, cotton tape, rubber tape, nylon tape, paper tape and adhesive tape.
Quality is the base of us to develop market, and service is the guarantee for our confidence to provide perfect service.