1.电极直径Electrode diameter Ф0.3~Ф3mm2.主轴伺服行程Z1 axis travel 200mm3.主轴头行程(二次行程)Z2 axis travel(Double Z) 300mm4.旋转头转速Rotation speed of rotary head
20~120rpm5.工作台尺寸Working table size
382×2606.工作台行程Working table travel
200×3007.导向器与工作台面最大距离Max.distance between guide and working table360mm8.工作台面离地高度Height of working table above the ground 920mm9.最大加工电流Max. processing current
30A10.最大消耗功率Max. power consumption
3.5KVA11.电源Power supply 380V/50HZ12.工作液过滤方式Method of working fluid filter
线隙式Thread gap13.最大工作液压力The Max. pressure of working fluid 7Mpa14.工作液桶容量Capacity of working fluid tank 25L15.主机外形尺寸Machine size 1060×750×1700 mm16.整机重量Machine weight