5、采用风水双冷,较好的降低了机体内的工作温度,所研制的料不易变性,同时也有利于热敏性塑料的磨制,可对部分PE,ABS进行磨制。The unit is an ideal equipment/of processing and milling thermal PVC, PE andiil, other plastics. Though 20-30% milling powder lis added intother processing formula, all physic chemistry charact eristics of its product keep the ones while using full new raw material. It is a necessary equipment of using waste material, reducing cost and improving economic efficiency.The unit is an ideal equipment/of processing and milling thermal PVC,PE andill, other plastics. Though 20-30% milling powder lis added intother processing formula, all physic chemistry charract eristics of its product keep the ones while using full new raw material. It is a necessary equipment of using waste material, reducing cost and improving economic efficiency. 工作原理1、该机工作部分为刀盘。高速粒子在撞击齿板后部分被粉碎,经吸风抽出,而较大粒子则继续撞击,粉碎后被抽出。这样减少了刀盘负荷,提高磨粉效率,又能使粉料得到均匀冷却。
2、温度低是该机的主要优点。按热功当量:每小时作功后转换为860千卡热量。本机为外抽风。风量达50m/KW由进、出口风温差,带走大部分热量。少部分热量由水冷却解决。要求冷水的进口温度不大于25℃,出口水温度不大于45℃,夏天适当增加冷却水流,以降低温度。The unit is an ideal equipment/of processing and milling thermal PVC, PE andiil, other plastics. Though 20-30% milling powder lis added intother processing formula, all physic chemistry charact eristics of its product keep the ones while using full new raw material. It is a necessary equipment of using waste material, reducing cost and improving economic efficiency.The unit is an ideal equipment/of processing and milling thermal PVC,PE andill, other plastics. Though 20-30% milling powder lis added intother processing formula, all physic chemistry charract eristics of its product keep the ones while using full new raw material. It is a necessary equipment of using waste material, reducing cost and improving economic efficiency. 主要技术参考Main Technical Parameter刀盘数:1只,外径:483mm±1 mm赤板:1付12片(优质合金刚,硬度50°-58°)刀片:24片(优质和金刚,硬度52-55)主电机转速:2950r/min主电机功率:30KW。配用三角带:B型,2007mm引风机:型号9-19,4#,配用电动机3KW关风机:型号ZGF,配用电动机0.75KW产量:PVC20目300kg/h外型尺寸:整套机器(长*宽*高)5900*1450*2900