概述Brief description 人力手推式清扫车,入门级机器;可折叠式手推把柄。适合室内、外地面清扫。 Push sweeper driven via both wheels so that the unit sweeps equally well in left-hand and right-hand bends and also offers very good straight-line control. Moisture proof universal bristles for all surfaces. Fleece fine dust filter, robust plastic frame, easily adjustable main broom and retractable side brushes. 技术参数Technical data 产品型号Type | KM70/20 C2 SB | 订货号Order no. | 1.517-103.0 | 驱动方式Drive | 人力manual / on both sides | 最大工作效率Max. performance (m2/h) | | 工作宽度Working width (mm) | | 带2个边刷工作宽度Working width with 1/2 side brushes(mm) | | 尘箱容量Container capacity (l) | 42 | 重量 公斤Weight (kg) | 26 | 尺寸Dimensions (l x w x h) (mm) | 1300 x 790 x 1035 |
标准备件 Standard accessories 主刷,边刷,可折叠式手推把柄,移动式尘箱。 产品描述与应用 -KM 70/20 C是一款无动力手推式清扫车; -该设备的清扫效率是人工扫帚的清扫效率的6倍; -手柄设计灵巧,角度可分三档调整,折叠后易于堆放; -主刷高度可调,根据与地面高度的间隙,可分为六档; -KM 70/20 C 2SB适用于室内、外地面清扫工作,比如院落、小路、车道、仓库与工作间地面等等。 |