食品机械-妙脆角、网络脆立体复合膨化食品生产线 Bugles/Web Solid Compound Extrusion Food Process Line 该生产线引进国外先进技术最新研制成功,改善了进口设备投资大、使用成本高等缺点,填补了国内空白。该生产线以玉米淀粉、面粉、薯类淀粉为原料,生产的“妙脆角”、“网络脆”、“卡通立体脆”及多种开关的立体复合膨化食品可与进口设备相媲美,在具有相同功能的情况下价格仅为进口设备的十分之一,是大、中型企业的最佳投资选择。 This process line is newly designed and produced with foreign advanced technology. It has improved the disadvantages of import equipment such as large investment and high production cost. This line adopts corn starch, wheat flour, potato starch as material to produce“burgles”, “web”,“solid potato chips”and many other solid compound extrusion food, which can compare beauty with those produced by import equipment. Under the same functions, its price is only one tenth of that of import equipment. It is the best investment choice for large of medium-sized enterprises. 技术参数/Technical Parameter 型 号/ Model:Single-screw Extruder 总装容量/ Install Capacity:58kw 实耗功率/ Power Consumption:40kw 产 量/ Capacity:60~85kg/h 外形尺寸/ Dimension:34000×2800×3300mm ——————————————————————— 公司名称:济南大亿膨化机械有限公司 JINAN DAYI EXTRUSION MACHINERY CO.,LTD 地址:山东省济南市北园大街泺河西路中段 Add: Middle Section,West Luohe Road,Jinan,Shandong,China 电话/Tel:+86 531 88627237 传真/Fax:+86 531 88615226 E-mail:sales@