产品名称: IR3红外测温仪
产品型号: IR3
测量范围: -76 to 932°F (-60 to 500°C).
精度: ±2% of reading or 4°F (2°C), whichever is greater.
发射率: 0.95 fixed; 0.1-1.0, step 0.1.
距目比: 12:1.
激光级别: Class II.
显示: 3 digits.
分辨率: 0.1°F/0.1°C.
反应时间: 1 second.
环境温度: 32 to 122°F (0 to 50°C).
电池: 2 AAA,
1.5 V alkaline batteries.
电池寿命: 180 hours (without laser or LCD backlight).
输入热电耦: Type K.
6.3 oz (179 g) with batteries.
认证: CE.