尼龙护套电线电缆比普通的PVC绝缘电线电缆具有更优良的电气和物理性能:尼龙护套电线电缆具有较好的耐热性,在高温下运行失重小的特点,可以提高电线瞬时抗热过载能力,可减缓或降低PVC组份的逸出或迁移。 Type TC Control Cable is for use in industrial power or control circuits where small diameter, flame retardant cables are desired. Primary installations include cable trays, raceways, and outdoor locations where supported by a messenger wire. Type TC is also listed for direct burial and for use in Class 1, Division 2 hazardous locations and Class 1 control circuits. Conductors may be used at temperatures not to exceed 75°C in wet locations or 90°C in dry locations. 尼龙护套电线电缆具有耐腐性和自润滑性及耐油的特点。与同截面的PVC绝缘电线电缆相比,尼龙护套电线电缆具有外径小、重量轻、静磨擦系数小和耐腐蚀等特点,可提高敷设中的安全性和适用性。尼龙护套线额定工作电压450/750V, 广泛应用于家用电器、航空航天系统、建筑和照明,。电缆的长期工作温度为90℃或75℃,敷设的温度不低于0℃,弯曲半径应不小于电缆外径的4倍