Shenzhen Sinsda is a modern plastic products manufacturing enterprise. It is specialized in producing thick (1.5mm-10mm) vacuum-formed plastic products which are made by ABS, PVC, PS, HIPS, HDPE, PE, PP, PC, PMMA or their complex materials. Since it was founded, its products have won a wide popularity in home and abroad market. Its thick vacuum plastic-absorbing forming products mainly concerts packing box; pet tray; plastic fittings of automobile, household, industrial, medical equipment, etc., which are made by professional and precise vacuum-formed equipment.(我司專業生產由ABS、PVC、PS、HIPS、HDPE、PE、PP、PC、PMMA等及多種改性塑膠的光板、皮紋板、透明板真空吸塑成型和注塑成型業務,加工厚度從1.5毫米—10毫米, 工廠擁有國際先進專業真空成型和注塑成型設備,後加工設備,現擁有各種口徑吸塑機多台,可根據客戶要求生產各種規格尺寸產品,足以確保您的產品裝配精度。現產品主要有醫療器械外殼、家電器械外殼、電子產品配件、汽車塑膠配件、工業五金配件、玩具(童車)車外殼、寵物託盤、沙灘車外殼,代步車外殼以及吸塑燈箱,机器塑胶配件,小工艺配件。)