SP-868D气动六色移印机 功能特点:
1 六色移印机,采用齿轮式转盘输送工作台。
2 微电脑控制各功能动作,操作简单方便。
3 机器架构采用优质铝合金,质轻坚固。
4 自动平衡之油刀,刮油干净利落。
5 各位置停留时间可调,以满足不同的印刷要求。
6 可以两次粘墨移印一次,以便获得较大的印刷油墨。
7 可以前后空行不落胶,防止稍停时油墨干固。
8 可印六色,五色,四色、三色、双色、单色,可谓一机多用。
9 具有自动吹气风干的功能。
10 各油盘可以独立拆装,无需取掉左右邻油盘,方便清洗及更换油墨。
11 每把刮刀可独立调校高低,保证每块钢板都刮干净。
1.Six color printing with vertical conveyor; 2.Microprocessor control with numerical display leads to easy operation; 3.Automatic 5-digit counter installed; 4.With aluminum alloy frame, the machine is light and sturdy. Easy inking, fixing, dismounting and cleaning of the ink roller; 5.The speed and the vertical stroke of the pad can be adjusted independently; 6.Ink blade can be automatically balanced, ensures a perfect ink scraping; 7.The extra function "twice inking, once printing" is designed for thicker ink film; 8.For different requirements, the working speed can be adjusted; 9.Sweeps forward and backward without pad falling down, to prevent ink drying; 10.6-color, 3-color, 1-color printing available, the six ink cup can independently adjustable for color registration; 11.With air jet for fast drying. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SP-868D气动六色移印机 技术参数 Parameter:
工位数(Workstation) 20
钢板尺寸(Plate size) 200×100mm
最大移印压力(Max. pad pressure) 2955N(6bar)
最大移印速度(Max. printing speed) 1000pcs/hr
耗气量(Air consumption) 321Litre/min(6bar)
功率(Wattage) 110/220v 60/50Hz 50w
外形尺寸(Dimensions) 1194x1135x1629mm
重量(Weight) 315Kg