ZJR真空均质乳化机系列 ZJR VACUUM HOMOGENIZING MACHINE SERIES 适用于:物料的加热、溶解、均质乳化,真空脱气。是中高档乳剂膏霜类产品生产的首选设备。整套设备配有油相锅、水相锅、乳化锅、操作平台、控制柜。特点: 1.超高粘物(50000C.P.S.以上)乳化搅拌容易,乳化颗粒可达2-5μm。 2.真空吸料生产频率高,操作简便可靠。 3.本机一台可做加热、融化、真空、均质冷却,一贯作业。 4.全不锈钢制造,真空搅拌卫生,无菌。 5.清洗方便 6.最新研制的陶瓷无间隙高剪切均质乳化机,能使物料颗粒直径达0.5μm。 Available for heating, melting, homogenizing and emulsifying materials, it is ideal device for paste-cream products of middle and high grades. This equipment includes oil phase boiler, water phase and emulsification vessels, operation platform and control tank. FEATURE: A. With sufficient mill and emulsification for the high adherence(over 50000 C.P.S.), the diameter of the emulsified grain can reach 2-5μm. B. Using vacuum material sucking device with high frequency, simple and convenient operation. C. The machine can be used for heating, melting, vacuum, homogenizing and cooling. D. It is made of stainless steel and can be healthful and axenic in operation. E. It is easy for cleaning. F.The newest shearing and cutting homogenizing machine of non-clearance ceramic can make the diameter of the material reach 0.5μm..