强声波爆脂仪 Ultrasonic Liposuction System 1、型号:C-909 Model No.: C-909 2、工作原理 Working Principle 采用空穴效应非侵入式有效击破顽固脂肪团和橙皮脂肪。强声波对液体产生一种内爆效应,即波的膨胀与压缩使液体内形成众多的微空隙,这些空隙内是气体和蒸汽,在压缩周期内超声波对液体分子产生正压效应,而在膨胀周期内则产生负压效应。在液体或生物组织内均存在内聚力,然而密度不同的组织,其分子间粘合力是不一样的。细胞内外微空隙的内爆结果将引起分子运动增强,以致达到一个高能水平,最后导致细胞的破裂。因脂肪细胞密度低,故首先导致脂肪细胞的破裂。 Adopting non-invasive equipment with cavitation transdermic’s Principle, it could smash adipose and cellulite effectively. When sound passes through a liquid, it consists of expansion waves (negative pressure) and compression waves (positive pressure). If the intensity of the sound field is high enough, then vapour bubbles are produced in the liquid. Initially, these cavitation bubbles continue to grow and then later collapse. The implosive bubble collapse generates high local temperature peaks and pressure pulses and the related high energy chemical processes. Adipose cells collapse first because the density of them is low. 3、功能 Function 1、 紧缩松弛的皮肤 Tightening slack skin 2、增加机体代谢的速度,加速体内废物及湿气的排除 Increasing the metabolism, accelerating expelling waste and moisture out of the body. 3、修复妊娠纹 Treatment for pregnancy stretch marks 4、放松肌肉,解除肌肉痉挛,缓解肌肉疼痛症状 Relax muscle, relieve muscle spasm, ease muscular pain. 5、全身或局部 Systemic or partial sliming. 6、有效改善臀部和大腿部橘皮样皮肤,同时还能解决产后或抽脂后腹部松弛题。 Improve bottom and upper leg cellulite skin, also could solve the abdomen slack problem of post partum and liposuction.