海上漂浮软管-- Floating hoses 跨接软管--Jumper house 防井喷软管-- Choke and kill hoses 高压泥浆和固井软管High pressure mud and cement hoses 欠平衡钻井软管—under-balanced drilling hoses 炼化延迟打焦软管--Decoking hoses 海底(3000M),水下软管--Sub-sea underwater hoses 废水软管-- Wastewater hoses 混凝土及水泥输送软管--Concrete-and cement-handling hoses 燃料软管(轻载及重载)--Bunker hoses (light-and heavy-weight types) 污水软管--Sewage hoses 捕鱼泵软管--Fish pump hoses LPG软管(如丁烷,丙烷)-- Liquid gas hoses (e.g. for butane, propane) 颗粒输送软管--Granulate transport hoses 工业软管(通用,水)-- Industrial hoses (general,water) 工厂冷却软管--Cooling hoses for industrial plants 压缩空气软管-- Compressed air hoses 氧气软管--Oxygen hoses 淤泥软管—Sludge,dredge hoses