此机型为ES2088的第二代机型采用为微步进马达,精度可达0.9 度分割并且在0-120 rpm 运转下不颤抖。ES2088 是点胶机系列中唯一免气压,接上电源即可操作。精密型低出胶量的优点非常适合水性流体,尤其能藉由铁氟龙胶管输送瞬间胶以确保不会在点胶过程中发生提早凝固的问題。 | By DC motor, the ES2088 is the only dispenser that does not require an air source. It can achieve 0~250rpm without wavering. This precise unit can process minute dispensing quantities and is suitable for low viscosity glues. Its Teflon tube can prevent early unwanted solidification of the cyanoacrylates. |