1) 微电脑控制系统。
2) 超大型触摸屏,操作简单。
3) 采用伺服电机,速度加快时贴标精度提高,机器性能更稳定。
4) 100组以上贴标参数记忆,可快速换样生产。
5) 全机为高级不锈钢与铝合金经阳极处理完成,永不生锈,符合GMP标准。
This machine is used for the surface labeling of the round, square and flat objects in such industries as medicine, daily chemical, food and cultural supplies and so on. It can paste single label and double-label as well at a time.
技术参数Technical parameters:
380V 50 Hz 2300W
贴标出标速度Production speed:40米/分钟
贴标精度Labeling accuracy:±1mm
标签卷标的最大直径vollabel of label max diameter:350 mm
纸芯直径Label inner diameter: 76.2 mm
圆瓶直径的范围range of round bottle diameter:30-110m
标签最大宽度label max width: 200mm(可视客户的具体要求另行制作can be made according to the requirements of customer)
整机尺寸Size of machine: L3000*W1400*H1650(mm)
整机重量Weight of machine: 250 kg
技术参数technical parameters:
驱动方式Drive | 步进电机Step Motor Driven |
贴标速度Labeling Speed | 0-200pcs/min |
瓶子直径Bottle Diameter | Ф30-130mm |
标签尺寸Label Size | 长15-300mm 宽 15-150mm |
瓶子高度 Bottle Height | 40-400mm |
贴标精度Precision | ±1mm(视瓶子圆真度,垂直度而定) |
标签卷最大外径Label Roll | ф300mm |
标签卷内径Label Core | ф75mm |
本机尺寸Machine Size | 2500×1300×1500mm |
重 量Weight | 280KG |
电 源Power | 110V/220 50/60HZ 2500W |
备 注Note | 可选配打码机May choose the code machine |
◆ 可根据客户实际要求制作。
May according to the customer actual request manufacture.