亲爱的客户,您好。感谢您对索亚的关注。 在此,我特别向您推荐强化玻璃专用的高效强化炉。第四代的强化炉采用了进口的硅胶板,真空泵和电箱都是市面上上等的货。使用时候比较方便,我们的组装都很合理,发货后,几乎没有客户打过电话过来咨询关于安装的信息。 使用起来时非常方便的,这个常用的规格炉子,我们都有现货。2500*1300的内径. 相信品牌的力量,选择优质的供应商,会给你创造不同凡响的财富。 谢谢!! Dear Customer; Hello. Thank you for your attention Sawyer.
In particular, I would recommend to you a dedicated high-performance tempered glass reinforced furnace. The fourth generation of enhanced furnace using imported silica gel plate, vacuum pumps and electricity boxes are the finest available in the market of goods. The use of more convenient time, we have assembled are reasonable, shipping, almost no customer made a telephone call over counseling about the installation.
When very convenient to use, this common standard stove, we have the spot. 2500 * 1300 in diameter.
I believe the strength of the brand, select high-quality suppliers, will you create extraordinary wealth.
Thanks! !