Hako-Supervac 3000
High performance industrial vacuum cleaner for wet and dry cleaning.
配备3*1000瓦特马达,吸力强劲,干湿两用,可吸入尘埃、木屑、铁屑,一般污水及油渍等,Hako-Supervac 是您最佳选择。特大功率傍路式冷却马达及大型坚固不锈钢机身,经久耐用,适用于各种工业环境。
The Hako-Supervac 3000 can cope with any zpplica-ful 3*1000watt capscity. Whether dry vacuuming dust and wood shavings or even oily substances or simply vacuuming liquids...the Hako-Supervac 3000 is always the right choice.
The cooled by-pass motors and indestructible tank made of chrome steel guarantee a long machine life.
Equipped as standard with numerous accessories for wet and dry cleaning. The vacuum hose is particularly large.
Further advantages:
Sturdy connections between suction head and tank, robust chassis with stable handle.
Handy drainage hose for easy emptying of liquids.
技术参数: 单位 参数
电 压: V 230/50
马达功率: 瓦 3*1000
吸 力: 毫巴 217
空气流量: 公升/秒 3*54
傍路式冷却系统: 有
噪 音 量: 分贝 72
机身容量: 公升 76
机身重量: 公斤 24.6
电线长度: 米 10
吸喉长度: 米 3
吸喉直径: 毫米 50
产 地: 德国