现货供应船舶物资 船舶五金 船舶用品 船舶航海用品 器具 Nautical Equipment 航海专用 船舶专用。号钟(Signal Bells)报房用时钟(Radio Room Clocks)船用时钟(Marine Clock)石英天文钟(Quartz Chronometers)码表(Stopwatches)倾斜仪(Clinometers)船用气压计(Marine Aneroid Barometers)手提式风速表(Hand Anemometer)自记气压计(Baeographs)测深铅垂(Sounding Leads)测深杆(Sounding Rods)六分仪(Azimuth Circles)航海六分仪(Nautical Sextants)三竿分度仪 索星卡 星球仪 望远镜(Binoculars)航海平行尺(Parallel Rules)三角板(Nautical Triangles)海图用两量规(Chart Dividers)海图室用圆规(Chart Room Compasses)镇石(Chart Weights)放大镜(Magnifying Glasses) 商船国旗3×4,4×6,6×8(Merchant Flag) 国际信号旗(International code of signals)旗钩(Flag Hooks)旗用滑车(Flag Blocks。品质保证 价格实在! TEL:13851668344
船用五金 船舶物资 船舶物料 船舶五金 船舶用品 供应IMPA分类如下
15TC Cloth and Linen products
17TC Tableware Galley Utensils
19TC Clothing
21TC Rope and Hawsers
23TC General Deck Item
27TC Painting Equipment
33TC Safety Protective Gear
35TC Hose Couplings
37TC Nautical Equipment
39TC Medicine
45TC Petroleum Products
47TC Stationery
49TC Hardware
51TC Brushes Mats
55TC Cleaning Material Chemicals
59TC Pneumatic Electrical Tools
61TC General work Tool
63TC Cutting Tools
65TC Measuring Tools
67TC Metal Sheets Bars
69TC Screws Nuts
73TC Pipe Tube Fittings
75TC Valves Cocks
79TC Electrical Equipment
81TC Packing Jointing