Clean Air-conditioning Engineering
Clean clean room design ideas:
u 根据工程实际情况(新建或旧厂房改造),并结合其具体的生产工艺生产流程等要求确定其方案,將評估洁净度、温湿度、压缩供气、水电配置及气体排放方式等。综合各种因素来确定最优化的无尘净化方案,以低能耗高效率的设计方案来满足甲方生产工艺要求、工程造价合理、运行经济、便于管控的方案。
u The actual situation based on the engineering (New or old factory reform), in combination with their specific production process, production processes and other requirements to determine their needs, cleanliness, temperature and humidity, compressed gas, water, electricity and gas emissions, ways to configure the planning. Integrated a variety of factors to determine the most optimal clean program clean, people-oriented and professional design production processes to meet the Party requirements, project cost is reasonable, to run the economy, energy-saving and practical solution.
Cleanliness of clean room:
u 前期评估对生产工艺与无尘车间规划,可有效降低投入及运行成本。如LED电子制造业:筛选→固晶→焊线→封胶→包装→出货。工程设计同生产工艺流程及无尘车间管理体制进行优化十分重要,其确保净化洁净度控制在设计目标内如:千级或万级或十万级的车间要求。
u Pre-assessment of the production process and the importance of clean room planning, can effectively reduce the input and operating costs. Such as the LED into the electronics manufacturing industry: bond wafer→Wire→auto-encap→foot by cutting→electrical charactor test→sorting code→casing→shipments.Engineering design with the production process and the clean room is important to optimize the management system, its control to ensure the cleanliness of purification within the design goals such as: 1000 or 10000, or one hundred thousand grade requirements.
Application range:
u 电子制造业、半导体电子厂、手术室、食品加工、制药业、试验室等。
u Electronic manufacturing and semiconductor factories, operating rooms, food processing, pharmaceutical, laboratory, etc。