1. Clean: with many high-efficiency bio-active enzymes, this product can break down the stains and spots in the surface and inside of your clothes, making your cloth as clean as new one.
2. Easy to wash: based on formula for easy washing, this product can simplify the washing process, allowing you to save water, time and energy.
3. Super Bright: containing brightening factor, this product can provide special care to your clothes making your white clothes brighter and color clothes more colorful. Your clothes will be as new as what it was be.
4. Protection: the formula can protect the clothes fiber when cleaning stains causing no damage to your clothes and avoid precipitate on clothes.
5. Fast Solving: adopting fast-solving technology, this product can be solvent in cold water; warm water, hard water and soft water in short time and release the cleaning power in a fast way.
6. Suitable: this product is suitable for both hand and machine washing
7. Fragrant smell: it leaves clothes with a fragrant smell for a long time
山东丽波日化股份有限公司现为中国最大的专业洗衣粉出口贴牌OEM加工基地,公司始建于1969年,在业内享有较高声誉,现工厂占地270000平方米, 总投资5.1亿元,现有职工1000余人,具有年产洗衣粉350000吨和液洗产品50000吨的生产能力,拥有洗衣粉高塔喷雾、浓缩粉生产线3条,全自动液洗产品生产线1条,能够根据客户配方要求生产高、中、低各种档次各种包装规格的洗衣粉和液洗产品。
公司长期与宝洁P&G、联合利华Unilever等国际知名企业合作,拥有完善的质量保证体系,公司通过了ISO9001-2008和 BRC认证,社会责任审计列入免检,产品出口到亚、非、欧、美各洲96个国家和地区。现诚寻广大贸易公司、个人等长期合作开发国际市场,实现共赢!
联系人: 山东丽波日化股份有限公司销售部外贸OEM处 焦德广 邮箱: libo-china@hotmail.com QQ:992849679 手机:15095242830 固话:0536-8663457 传真: 0536-8668032