功能:桑拿蒸汽浴,维琪水疗浴,花洒术淋浴,香薰.草药(可配)浴,水力按摩浴,泡泡浴,光谱疗法,(红,蓝,绿.)臭氧消毒,七彩水底灯,荧光动感显示,语音提示,内置7英尺液晶电视,外接VCD,瘦身减肥,休闲健身,人体水床.特点:享受SPA真谛,水与人体的结合,融合水疗,热疗,色光疗法,红外线放射疗法,脉术振动按摩疗理,听觉疗法,与生理医学,物理治疗学结合的最先进最完美的全能结体祛脂与水疗美体的系统.材料:进口压克力板材.SPA Hydropathic Digital Compound CabFunction:Sauna steaming steaming bath. Vicky Aqueous treatment.shower bath.aromatherapy.Chinese herbal medical bath(selectable), kelp bath.close circuit cable seven inches crystal color TV(selectable).DVD red -blue-green sqectrum
treatment. fluorescent dynamic display. strong massage bath.bubble bath.music treatment .slim up and keep fit. do exercises and body aqueous bed.Haracter:Enioy SPA treatment. haman boby is combined with water. pair with aqua. heat. light and far infrared ray
treatment. aromatherapy.pulse vibration
massage. hearing treatment togther.it is the most perfect and advanced
all -effect slimming and boby contour sysem.