1、把WII感应器插入WII主机的SENSOR BAR插口。(如图1所示)
4、把感应器放入支架即可使用。(如图3所示) 4、壳料材质:ABS料
5、整机重量:45克 (不含包材)。
1、 确保WII红外感应器的电源插头已正确的插入WII主机。
2、 在清洁WII红外感应器时,请将WII红外感应器的插头拔下。
3、 WII红外感应器禁止在潮湿的环境中长期保存或使用。
4、 不要让WII红外感应器受到损坏或压力以延长它的寿命。
5、 如果WII红外感应器浸水、撞坏、或摔坏,请停止使用,并及时送到专业维修部处理,切勿自行拆卸。
6、 不要用微波炉等外部加热设备对其进行干燥外理。
7、 切勿让儿童玩弄WII红外感应器。.
Instruction of the WII Infrared Ray Inductor
Item NO.: TYW-1009
Name: WII infrared ray inductor
Application: WII console
- Brief introduce:
This inductor is designed for receiving the infrared signal from the WII console. It is easy and convenience to use. Only need connect the inductor’s plug to the WII console. There is a holder under the inductor, it can help to support the inductor.
- Instruction of the inductor:
a) Insert the inductor in the SENSOR BAR of the WII console.(Fig 1)
b) Tear off the two-sided of holder.
c) Fix the holder in the TV set top. (Fig 2)
d) Put the inductor inside the holder, then it can be used. (Fig 3)
e) Material: ABS
f) Net Weight: 45gram
- Caution:
a) Ensure that the inductor is correctly thrust into the WII console.
b) Please pull off the inductor when clean it
c) Do not keep the inductorin a wet or damp place.
d) Don't let the inductor receive damage or pressure to extend service life of the cable.
e) Please do not use it in the case of the inundated or broken.
f) No drying process by external heat equipment such as microwave oven etc.
g) Please do not let children play the inductor