YZYX85-4型全自动高档组合榨油机型号:YZYX85-4技术指标:日产量 1.4-2吨(熟)0.7-1.5吨(生)功率:5.5kw 整机重量:750kg产品说明:该机是近几年来,我公司完全自主研发的一代全新油机,兼有生熟两榨之功能,配有完全的自动升温和过滤系统,设计新颖、性能稳定,特别适用于集贸市场和小型油坊的加工经营,使人们见到原料的现场加工、现榨现卖的真实和可靠性,吃的放心舒心,同时具有站点面积小,操作方便、性能稳定、投资少、效益好,是理想的致富帮手。YZYX85-4 automatic upscale oil press
The series type of YZYX85-4 automatic upscale oil press is the new product which we have developed according to the market needs.This series variety in maintenance original product merit foundation,it also has automatic function and so on elevation of temperature,vacuum filter oil,squeezs the unrefined oil is automatic timefiters.In the meanwhile,it has the advantage of needing small area,convenient operation,low laborintensity,which show the Human nature of theproduct.