裕华兴高处作业吊篮(吊船)是吊篮悬挂机构架设于建筑物或构筑物上,吊篮安全锁进行安全保护,吊篮提升机驱动吊篮悬吊平台通过钢丝绳沿立面上下运行的一种临时悬挂设备,具有承载能力大、运行平稳、提升速度高、安全可靠、长久耐用等特点,是一种高效率、多功能的高处作业施工机械,主要用于高层及多层建筑物的外墙施工及装修。YHX.ZLD series temporary suspended Platform(TSP)is a kind ofsuspended access equipmentwhich is temporarily installed on a building or structure for specific tasks such as painting and insulating work, cladding, repairs and refurbishment building, bridges, chimneys, silos and other structures,etc.Temporary suspended Platforms(TSP)consist of a suspended platform loading persons and objects, hoist driving through wire rope to move up and down, safety lock locking for protection,and suspension rig which are assembled prior to use on a work site.They ale dismantled and removed from site on completion of the work for which they were installed. these are featured by large load capacity, stable operation, high lifting speed, long endurance, high efficiency, and multifunction.Spec and parameters of YHX.ZLD series temporary suspended platforms(TSP):SpecZLD800
ZLD120TypeUniversalUniversalElevator installationUniversalUniversalUniversalSingle pointRated Load (Kg)800600600500500400120Lift Speed (m/min) Power (kw)2.2×21.5×21.5×21.1×20.75×20.75×20.75×1Hoist ModelLTD8LTD6ALTD6ALTD5ALTD5BLTD4FLTD5BSafety lock ModelLSQ30ALSQ20ALSQ20ALSQ20ALSQ20ALSQ20ALSL30CPlatform Width (mm)7007001332700700700650