经营二手25吨,30/35吨,40/45吨,50/55吨多田野,加腾汽车吊,价格在40-120万一台,车况好,有7-9成新,欢迎各国朋友/中介商来人来函洽谈.联系:13901965323梁总,邮箱:liangnianhua@yahoo.cn.The company deals with used Tadano and Kato truck cranes of 25ton, 30-35ton, 40-45ton and 50-55ton. With good condition and 70%-90% new, the price is 0.4-1.2 million RMB per unit. Welcome all customers and agents to come to discuss with us or email us. Contact person: Mr. Liang 13901965323, Email:liangnianhua@yahoo.cn