DM2436AB 是一只以 16 位元微處理器為計算核心,全數位化量測、顯示、校正、輸出的多功能電力表。因其微處理器之快速工作脈波 (16MHz) 及快速取樣,能夠提供高準確度的量測。DM2436AB 除了能以單一表量測所有電力單位 (V、A、W、VAR、PF、WH、VARH、Hz) 外,還具有最大值、最小值量測,及設定值接點輸出等功能。在通信介面上,有串列的 RS-232 或 RS-485 可供選擇,以世界上極通用的 MODBUS RTU 為通信協定,提供使用者更方便的搭配。
特性?Precision True-RMS measurement even for distorted waves
?High immunity to external noise
?RS485 standard communication interface output
?PT and CT scaling
?Memory for all setup and energy data
?Relay output (ΣV or ΣA or ΣW)
?Auto calibration from computer
?Maximum and Minimum function
?Power supply is AC 90V ~ 260V, 50/60Hz
?110×110mm case
詳細規格Display:4 digits (9999), 0.4" LED high (V, A, W, VAR, PF, Hz)5 digits (99999), 0.4" LED high (WH, VarH)Accuracy:(at 23±5℃ sine wave)Voltage±0.1% of reading ±0.15% of rangeCurrent±0.1% of reading ±0.15% of rangeWatt±0.2% of reading ±0.3% of rangeVar±0.2% of reading ±0.3% of rangePower factor±0.5% of readingPF polarity"+" lagging, "-" leadingWatt hour±0.25% of reading ±1 CountVar hour:±0.4% of reading ±1 CountHz±0.2% of readingMax. input over capabilityAmp. 10A continuous50A for 5 secVolt. 750V continuousConversion rate:(about)1/sec.Input burdenVolt. input ≦ 0.2 VA/phaseAmp. input ≦ 0.2 VA/phaseOver input indication"OL"Line voltage range35V~600VPhase voltage range20V~346VCurrent range50mA~5APower factor range±0.5~±1Frequency range45~65HzCT, PT scaling factors1~9999Setting for REF0.800~1.200Operating temp.0~60℃Storage temp.-10~70℃Temp. coefficient≦100PPM/℃ (≦60PPM/℃, 25℃ ±10℃)Max. relative humidity95%Dielectric strengthAC 2KV/1min. (input/output/power)AC 2.8KV/1min. (input/output/power/case)Surge test4 KV/1.2 X 50μS, IEC 255-4Dimensions110 (W)×110 (H)×135 (D) mmMountingPanel mountingProtocolMODBUS, RTUBaud rate9600Address range1~FF (Hex)Watt-hour data back-up time1000 HoursAux. powerAC90~260V, 50/60HzDC24V, 48V, 110V±20% (option)Power consumptionAC6VA, DC5WWeight(about)700gTOP量測及顯示IndicatingL1 (R)L 2 (S)L 3 (T)Line
V1, V2, V3:Phase voltage
V12, V23, V13:Line voltageTOP開孔尺寸PANEL CUT-OUTTOP通信連結RS-232C CONNECTION
The figure bellow illustrates the wiring requirements for connecting the DM2436AB using RS-232C communications. This can include a local direct connection to a
computer or other device. The RS-232C standard allows only a single point-to-point communications connection. Using this method, only one RS-232C equipped device may be connected to the serial port of the computer, or other device.The cable used between the computer is a standard RS-232Ccommunications cable with a maximum length of 50 feet (15.2m).RS-485 CONNECTION
RS-485 communications allows multiple devices to be connected on the same bus. Up to 30 devices can be connected on a single RS-485 bus, which consists of a shield twisted pair cable. The overall length of the RS-485 cable connecting all devices cannot exceed 4000 ft (1219m).TOP輸出的腳位圖
TOP輸入的接線圖A. 3 Phase 3 wires with 2CTs. 2PTs
B. 3 Phase 3 wires with 3CTs. 2PTs
C. 3 Phase 4 wires 3CTs. 3PTs
D. 1 Phase 2 wires 1CTs. no PT