NET:325ml产品特性:本品可与各冷却剂和水箱溶液共同使用主要用于密封水箱和热器上的漏洞和裂缝。适用于所有类型的水箱,能在渗漏处形成粘稠,持久的密封膜不会阻塞通道,不损伤机件。注入本品立即生效。使用方法:使用前,请先用水箱清洁剂清洗水箱,洗净水箱后,加满冷却液,无盖起动发动机达到正常温度,将本品摇均匀加入水箱,怠速运转直至止漏后现运转10分钟即可。注意:绝对不能饮用,好不慎误饮时,应尽快吐出,并立即送医院处理;开启水箱盖时,请小心高温烫伤。 Description:Compatible with all coolants and anti-freeze. Radiator stop leak will seal small leaks without damage to rubber hoses , gaskets or other system components.Formulated to stop and prevent leaks in the radiator and cooling system , protect against rust and corrosion and to lubricate the water pump.Note . Radiator stop leak will not repair broken or split hoses.