纸模(纸托,纸浆模塑)医用护理品已经在欧盟和美国卫生医院广泛使用,由于其一次性的优势,而且成本低廉,因此在尿检,病人呕吐物处理等方面广泛应。适用产品包括纸浆模塑纸尿壶,纸尿检收集器,肾形盆,腰子盘,呕吐盆,手术 盘,纸便盆等。
Shanghai YIG Pulp Package Co., Ltd. makes pulp molded packaging from recycled paper and cardboard
Innovative. Integrity. Quality. Value. Leadership.
These are just a few of the attributes that comprise a truly great company. They are also just a few of the elements that mark a quality product. Absolute and perfect, a great company is the living composition of its principles, its strengths, and all its dreams. Shanghai YIG Pulp Package Co., Ltd. is the very embodiment of such ideologies of perfection and excellence.
YIG is a leading professional manufacturer and distributor of using recycled paper and recycled cardboard, we pulp, mould and after-press the materials into new formats such as protective packaging, retail packaging and industrial packaging. We can even make finished consumer products.
Please contact our representatives and let us know how we can service your needs.