延长引擎使用寿命,恢复气密性 NET:443ml本品可以在迅速在已磨损的机件表面形成一层坚硬稳固的金属保护膜,使磨损的发动机得到自行修复,恢复气缸密封,提高动务输出,消除发动机烧机油、昌蓝烟、干磨等现象,同时能够抑制积碳、胶质和油泥的生成,保护机件不被腐蚀。可延长发动机使用寿命3倍,几十万公里无大修。本品适用各类汽车、柴油发动机,且可与任何品牌机油混合使用。使用方法:使用最佳时间是引擎出现动力下降和开始烧机油时(建议每行驶15000公里添加一次)。更换新机油后,启动发动机达常温,将本品加入曲转箱,怠速运转10分钟。小型汽车加一瓶,大型汽车、卡车和拖拉机按一瓶竞兑6L机油添加。注意:使用前请做发动机内部清洗,存放于阴凉干燥处,请勿吞食避免儿童接触,如属活塞环断裂、油封氧化渗漏造成的烧机油、昌蓝烟等故障,不属本品修复范围,建议更换修复后再使用本品。 This product protects engine parts from wear. It can form a new cermet coating on the friction surface (the parts grow in volume, restore their original geometry). As a result, a renovated unit exceed the performance level of a new one and will serve you 2-4 times longer.Advantages:Restores and protects friction parts of the cylinder-piston group, crank and gas distributing mechanisms from wear;Reduces fuel consumption considerably (by up to 30% at idling);Regains and increases compression in cylinders;Increases engine power, improves acceleration capability;Decreases noise and vibration level by 10 times;Extends service life of the units by 2-3 times;Protects the engine from negative consequences of cold start