ET-668系列无铅免洗锡膏1.ET-668 无铅锡膏/Lead-free Solder PasteET-668无铅锡膏系列采用特殊的助焊液与氧化物含量极少的球形锡银铜合金粉炼制而成。具卓越的连续印刷解像性;此外,本制品所含有之助焊膏,采用具有高信赖的低离子性卤素之活化剂系统,使其在回焊之后的残渣,即使免洗也能拥有极高的可靠性。ET-668 serial is refined by special supporting solder fluid- and Ball--round alloy with little oxideOur product has the continued printing character. ..We introduce the activation system of low-hydroniumHalide. it owes the reliability even if it wasWater Extract Resistance 2、印刷特性/ Printing characteristic1.) 连续印刷时,其沾度极少经时变化,可获得非常稳定印刷。Has the best stability character when continued printing.
2.) 对0.4—0.6mm及以上间距的电路,可完成精美的印刷。
Can get high quality printing when the distance of circuit 0.4—0.6mm
3.) 拥用极佳焊接性,可在不同部位表现出适当的沾湿性。
Has the excellent jointing character, bedewed character can be put up in different part s.4.) 可适当用于一般大气下与氮气之回焊炉。Can be propriety soldered in stove with azotes
5.) 于极高之尖峰温度下,亦能获得良好的焊接性。Has the best jointing when make it in the extra-temperature 3、成分与特性
/Component and Characteristic
ET-668 characteristic of lead-free solder paste , see below chart 1 and below chart2表—1/below chart 1项 目Subject特
性 Character合金成份Alloy component锡96.5/银3.0 /铜0.5tin 96.5/ silver3.0/copper0.5熔 点Flux Content217—219℃锡粉颗粒度degree of the tin power grain25—45/μm锡粉的形状tin powder shape球 状 /ball shape金属含量metal content89.5±1%卤素含量Halide Comtent<0.02wt%沾 度Viscosity800±200kcps(Brookfield DVTD Viscometet at 25℃,5rpm) 表—2 /below chart2项 目subject特 性character电迁移试验electro migration test1.02×105Ωcm以上Above
1.02×105Ωcm绝缘电阻试验insulation resistance test1×109.Ω以上Above 1×109.Ω流移性试验Current test低于0.2mmBelow 0.2mm 熔融性试验Flux test几无锡球发生No tin ball happened扩散率试验diffusivity test89%以上Below 89%铜镜腐蚀试验Copper mirror rust test无腐蚀情形No rust残渣沾性试验scrap viscosity test合格Up to grade 4.品质保证期限/Quality guarantee time品质保证期限为制造后180天,但必须密封保存于10℃及75%RH以下。Quality guarantee time is 180 days after made , but must be airproofed below 10℃and75%RH 54.使用时应该注意事项/Notice when using
(1)锡膏的搅拌/Solder paste milled1-1手工搅拌时/milled with hand 从冰箱中取出的锡膏必先使用回升至室温(在25℃中搁置,约需1~2小时)后,始可开封并用刮铲等搅拌均匀。若在末回升至室温前开封,锡膏难免吸湿,以致造成锡球发生的原因。Solder paste must be putted in the temperature25℃for one or two hours when taken out of the refrigerator and then make it uniformity with scraper. Do not use it under room temperature. Otherwise solder paste will be moisture and incur tin ball1-2使用自动搅拌装置时 /milled with automatic fitting有时为使从冰箱中取出的锡膏在短时间内回升至室温,亦可使用自动搅拌装置。(搅拌机)Can use milled automatic machine if want to make solder paste up to room temperature quickly when taken out of refrigerator.
(2)印刷条件/Conditions of printing ET—668无铅锡膏为非亲水性,对湿度并不敏感,可以在较高湿度(最高80%相对湿度)及室温下工作。ET-668 Lead-free solder paste has no hydrophilic character, can be used in high humidity (in relative 80% humidity) or room temperature印刷条件可在如表—3所示的范围内设定之。Conditions of printing can be seen in the below diagram 3表—3 /Diagram 3 项 目subject设定 范