1. Scope
This document contains required environmental, electrical, acoustic, mechanical, package
and reliability test requirements.
2. Environmental Requirement
The transducer including all components and solder joints must be free from lead (Pb) and
other banned or restricted substances according to customer's requirements.
3. Electrical Requirments
3.1 Rated Impedance8±15% ohms @2kHz, 1Vrms input
3.2 Rated Noise Power (in free air) 0.65 Watts
3.3 Short Term Maximum Power (in free air) 1.0 Watts
4. Acoustical Requirments
4.1 Sound Pressure Level 98±3dB at 2Vrms/5cm at 2kHz
4.2 Bass Resonance Frequency
4.2.1 Resonance frequency in free air 900 /-20%Hz
4.3 Rated Frequency Range 500 - 10kHz
Frequency Response See Figure 1
4.4 THD <15% at 1KHz@ 0.1W input
4.5 Rub & Buzz
A sine sweep among rated frequency range at rated power will not result in
any buzzing or extraneous sound.
5. Polarity Requirments
5.1 Polarity
When a DC source′s " " polarity is attached to speaker's " " polarity,
"-" polarity is attached speaker's "-" polarity, the membrane will move forward.
5.2 Magnetic Polarity Top of the magnet is the north pole.