我们自2005年成立以来,以产品质量为中心,公司的业务蒸蒸日上,公司引进专业生产设备,德国堡CP-2000对开,四开,八开四,五色印刷机及其他配套印刷器械,上胶机,及其他生产设备,我们的产品在德国,日本,英国都有很好的市场。贴纸是我们的主产品,主要有3D指甲贴,泡泡贴,珠子贴,不干胶,亚克力贴,纹身贴,等。100个熟练的员工,我们每年的营业额都在500万美元左右。我们在大量生产的同时不忽视质量。“订单由你们下,其他一切让我们来做”是本公司的服务宗旨!同时我们可以按客户要求制定不不同图案,欢迎新老客户光临! We established in 2005, with product quality as the center, the company introduced professional production equipment, Germany fort CP - 2000 folio, four open, eight open four and five-color printing machines and other auxiliary printing equipment, gluing machine, and other production equipment, our products in Germany, Britain, Japan has very good market. Stickers are our main, mainly 3D nails, beads, bubble, stickers, acrylic, tattoos, etc.We are have 500 skillful employees, our annual turnover in around $500 million. We also don't neglect of production quality. "By your orders, everything else let us do" is our company's service tenet!We are have 500 skillful employees, our annual turnover in around $500 million. We also don't neglect of production quality. "By your orders, everything else let us do" is our company's service tenet! 我司大量生产各种纸质、大小的台历、挂历,形式新颖,质量保证,大都出口日韩国家,欢迎来样定做!价格从优! 注:网页上的价格不是产品的真实价格,有需要的可以直接与我司联系、询价!我们欢迎每一位客人的到来!我司竭诚与您合作,共同发展!