我们根据客户的不同要求接受来\来样生产!磁性固定器(HOLDING MAGNETS ) 磁性固定器是由各种永磁铁和金属件组成的特殊磁路。它们比单个磁铁的磁力强很多倍,广泛应用于各种工业和工程领域。 Different Holding Magnets, such as Square, Disc and Ring Holding Magnets, Hard Ferrite (Ceramic), Alnico, NdFeB and SmCo assemblies are specified for many applications to all industries and enigneering. These magnets are made by setting ferrite, Alnico, NdFeB and SmCo magnet in steel parts (and/or some non-ferrite magnetic insulate materials, such as Brass and Aluminum), and are avaiable in many different forms and shapes, which are finished in white, black, gray, Nickel or Zinc coating,or rubber covered. A holding magnet has a particular magnetic circuit that can concentrate or insulate magnetic power at a target space around the magnetic assembly.