碳化硅密封环产品说明 Prodnct Instruction 我公司生产的无压烧结碳化硅密封环,炭化硅纯度较高、耐磨性、耐酸碱腐蚀性大大优于反应烧结碳化硅。耐高温性好1500度以下可正常工作。几何尺寸准确,形位公差很小,能满足石油化工等各种极端工作条件下的需要。 Our company produces un presses the agglutination carbonization silicon packring, the carbonization silicon purity is high, the resistance to wear, the acid resistant corrosiveness surpasses the response agglutination carbonization silicon greatly. Thermostable good . It cay work normally below 1400 degrees . The geometry size is accurate,it is small in shape position difference,ant it can satisfy the petroleum chemical industry ant it also satisfyies each kind of extreme working condition.