无压烧结碳化硅技术参数Technical parameter
指 标 Index 单 位Unit 性 能Nature
密度 Bulk density g/m3 ≥3.10
显气孔率 Porosity % <0.2
弯曲强度 Bending strength MPa ≥350
纯度 Carbonization silicon purity % ≥99
硬度 Degree of hardness HRA ≥91
弹性模量 Elasticity coefficient GPa 410
导热系数 Thermal conductivity W.m-1.k-1 110
Thermal-expansion coefficient (25℃-1000℃)/×10-6℃-1 4.415
碳化硅密封环产品说明 Prodnct Instruction
Our company produces un presses the agglutination carbonization silicon packring, the carbonization silicon purity is high, the resistance to wear, the acid resistant corrosiveness surpasses the response agglutination carbonization silicon greatly. Thermostable good . It cay work normally below 1400 degrees . The geometry size is accurate,it is small in shape position difference,ant it can satisfy the petroleum chemical industry ant it also satisfyies each kind of extreme working condition.