型号82019# 库存情趣睡衣,该产品是有弹力网布和花边蕾丝做成,高弹网布是做情趣类产品的理想材料,具有朦胧的神秘感.颜色有红 黑 紫.....等多色,单套独立包装,12套/袋(混色包装),均码,该产品款式新颖,美观大方,是内外销售的理想产品Model # 82019 Stock pajamas taste, the product is a network of stretch lace fabric and lace made, high-elastic net fabric is so fun products ideal material with a dim sense of mystery. Colors are red, black and purple .... . And so on multi-color, single set of independent packaging, 12 sets / bags (color packaging), all code, the product are fashionable, beautiful person, inside and outside sales is ideal.(本行长期有各类库存产品,为推广业务欲与众多的外贸公司或翻译联手打造创造辉煌业绩,有兴趣面谈或来电咨询. 由于经常有客户来索样,如果不是本行的老客户需要样费敬请谅解!)