一、性能特点1.本机为两组UV系统,功能齐全(参照-3型),具有外形美观、适用面广、光固效果好、质量可靠、使用安全、操作方便等优点。2.光固室内灯罩为特殊铝型材散热内置德国进口反射镜片,使UV光输出达到最高效率,3.内部散热:上面铀流风机向内送风、每组散热设有独立抽风、底部吸风独立装置即有散热又有吸附物件作用1.Product Usage:TM-800-ⅡF flat/cylindrical UV machine is mainly used for the curing of printed UV ink on various surfaces such as bottles and cylindrical articles. It can also be used for the curing on flat surfaces after the light irradiation angle adjustment. 2.Features:Sealed structure and conveyor transmission are adopted in this machine. Moreover, semi-scale light (5,6kw) or full-scale light (11,2kw) can used, or conveyor speed/distance between substrate and UV light can be adjusted according to the size and material of substrate in use so as to optimize the curing result.Heat in the chamber can be well let out through the excellentexhaust system at any time so that the lifetime of UV lampcan be lengthenedIt is a machine with advantages such as reliable quality, superb curing result, beautiful appearance, and easy as well as safe operation.3、Basic Technical Date:型号Speed Adjusting MethodBS-UV800Ⅱ型BS-UV1100Ⅱ型灯管功率La mp Wattage5.6kw×28.4kw×2输送带电机功率Conveyor Motor Power Supply60W/1P/220V90W/1P/220调速方式电子无级调速电子无级调速电源供应380V380V输送带速度范围Conveyor Speed Range0-25 M/min0-25 M/min外形尺寸2500×1050×1400mm2500×1350×1400mm