FNC series small precision lathe is designed for small precision complicated parts processing. With a high cost performance, high precision, high rigidity, high efficiency, machining persity, and precision stability, it’s not only good at processing non-ferrous metal, but outstanding in various alloy steel and stainless steel parts processing.
实现高速度精密加工 进口高速精密主轴,回转精度达到0.002mm 日本NSK精密直线导轨、丝杠及轴承 重复定位精度达到±0.001mm以内 能够快速移动 加工圆度可达到0.2μ以下 粗糙度可达到0.3μ以下 性价比优的FANUC CNC控制系统 具有高生产性能 直排刀方式 整体高刚性设计 丰富的功能选项 完善的机构设计 主轴快速夹紧松开机构 丰富的可选配置 通过特有的伺服控制加减速技术,达到高速、高精度快速进给和精确定位,生产效率大幅度提高,成本大幅度降低。 由于安装了直线导轨,防止了低速运行时的爬行现象,滑动摩擦力大大减小,加上丝杠两端支持,实现了μ级的精确切削进给。 采用高强度、低应力的密烘铸铁床身能充分吸收切削震动,保证了机床加工精度的稳定性。 合理的机械结构设计,易于操作者编程、更换刀具和任何维修和保养。 Through the unique acceleration and deceleration servo control system,tools achieved high speed,high accuracy and accurate positioning. The using of the linear guide,prevent low-speed creeping in low-speed runtime,decrease the sliding friction greatly,and realize the precise cutting in μ。 The using of the high strength/low strees meehanite cast iron bed can fully absorb the shock;and guarantee the processing accuracy and stability. |